ecospace: R Package for Simulating Community Assembly and Ecological Diversification Using Ecospace Frameworks

ecospace is an R package that implements stochastic simulations of community assembly (ecological diversification) using customizable ecospace frameworks (functional trait spaces). Simulations model the 'neutral', 'redundancy', 'partitioning', and 'expansion' models of Bush and Novack-Gottshall (2012) and Novack-Gottshall (2016a, b). The package provides a wrapper to calculate common ecological disparity and functional ecology statistical dynamics as a function of species richness. Functions are written so they will work in a parallel-computing environment.

The package also contains a sample data set, functional traits for Late Ordovician (Type Cincinnatian) fossil species from the Kope and Waynesville formations.

The most recent public release of the code is on CRAN at:

You can install the most recent public release version in R using:


The latest pre-release version can be found at GitHub:

Or downloaded directly in R using:



Novack-Gottshall, P.M. 2016a. General models of ecological diversification. I. Conceptual synthesis. Paleobiology 42: 185-208.

Novack-Gottshall, P.M. 2016b. General models of ecological diversification. II. Simulations and empirical applications. Paleobiology 42: 209-239.

Bush, A. and P.M. Novack-Gottshall. 2012. Modelling the ecological-functional diversification of marine Metazoa on geological time scales. Biology Letters 8: 151-155.

Reprints are available at

The most recent commit is currently: Travis-CI Build 
Status (Travis CI)

This package is authored by Phil Novack-Gottshall ( and offered under CC0.

The current total number of downloads of the ecospace package from the RStudio CRAN mirror is: Number of 

pnovack-gottshall/ecospace documentation built on June 14, 2020, 1:04 p.m.