
Defines functions qlt_disclaimer

Documented in qlt_disclaimer

  # There is missing data in 2001 from Brilliant Dam from May 1 to November 1 inclusive.  This hourly data has been searched for and is not present in digital format. This data has been replaced by the BBK data minus the HLK total discharge for each hour for this period. The Birchbank data is hourly for stage until Sept 1, 2009 and then proceeds with recorded measures at 15 minute intervals.
  # Revelstoke was sent as just one discharge (REV) until Dec 1, 2009. After that point, it was sent as turbine (REVTB) and spill (REVS) discharge.
  # Some of the data for various reasons may have gaps in the 24 hour period. The database is being error checked as time and budget permits to place blanks in these spaces.
#' Disclaimer QLT
#' Prints disclaimer for use of QLT data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' qlt_disclaimer()
qlt_disclaimer <- function() {
  "This database has been created for the sole purpose of ongoing BC Hydro Water License Requirements (WLR) Studies in the Columbia River Basin.

  BC Hydro expressly disclaims any warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, with respect to this data and information which was compiled solely for BC Hydro purposes.  In no event will BC Hydro or its employees, servants or agents have any obligation arising from contract or tort, or for loss of revenue or profit, or for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this data and information.  Any person using this data and information does so at their own risk and acknowledges that such data and information is subject to revision at any time with no obligation on BC Hydro to advise any third party of such revisions.  BC Hydro accepts no liability for the accuracy, availability, suitability, reliability, usability, completeness or timeliness of data and information contained herein.

  This data and information is BC Hydro property.  Distribution of this data and information to any other third party is strictly prohibited without BC Hydro's prior written consent.

  BC Hydro Contacts:
  Philip Bradshaw (604-528-1693) Philip.Bradshaw@bchydro.com
  Guy Martel  (604-515-8590) Guy.Martel@bchydro.com

  If you find errors in the data, please file an issue at https://github.com/poissonconsulting/kootqlt/issues.
poissonconsulting/kootqlt documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:25 a.m.