  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

In order to create a new package the user should

1) Go to the pkgtemplate GitHub repository and choose 'Use this template'. 1) Clone the new repository and replace 'pkgtemplate' with the name of the new package in DESCRIPTION,, tests/testthat.R, vignettes/pkgtemplate.Rmd and this README.Rmd file. 1) devtools::check() the package and fix any Errors, Warnings or Notes. 1) Knit this README.Rmd file and pkgdown::build_site(). 1) Add the project to Travis and in the Settings add a Cron Job to run the master branch daily if there hasn't been a build in the last 24h. 1) Add the project to Appveyor. 1) Rename the pkgtemplate.Rproj and vignettes/pkgtemplate.Rmd files. 1) Push the changes to the new repository. 1) Go to the repository GitHub settings and set the GitHub Pages Source to be the master branch /docs folder. 1) Edit the GitHub repository description and set the website to be 1) If you aren't developing a Shiny app, run pkgtemplate:::cannibalise_shiny(getwd()) to remove any Shiny-related files (make sure that getwd() points to the correct place!)

poissonconsulting/pkgtemplate documentation built on April 1, 2020, 5:34 a.m.