sbf_load_windows_recursive: Load Window Paths as Character Column in Data Frame

View source: R/load.R

sbf_load_windows_recursiveR Documentation

Load Window Paths as Character Column in Data Frame


Recursively loads all the paths to the png files with names matching the regular expression x_name as the the first (list) column (named windows) in a data frame. Subsequent character vector columns specify the object names (named name) and sub folders (named sub1, sub2 etc).


  x_name = ".*",
  sub = sbf_get_sub(),
  main = sbf_get_main(),
  include_root = TRUE,
  tag = ".*",
  meta = FALSE



A string of the name.


A string specifying the path to the sub folder (by default the current sub folder).


A string specifying the path to the main folder (by default the current main folder)


A flag indicating whether to include objects in the top sub folder.


A string of the regular expression that the tag must match to be included.


A flag specifying whether to include the report, caption and any other metadata as columns.

See Also

Other load functions: sbf_load_block(), sbf_load_blocks(), sbf_load_blocks_recursive(), sbf_load_data(), sbf_load_data_from_db(), sbf_load_data_from_pg(), sbf_load_datas(), sbf_load_datas_from_db(), sbf_load_datas_from_pg(), sbf_load_datas_recursive(), sbf_load_db_metatable(), sbf_load_number(), sbf_load_numbers(), sbf_load_numbers_recursive(), sbf_load_object(), sbf_load_objects(), sbf_load_objects_recursive(), sbf_load_plot(), sbf_load_plot_data(), sbf_load_plots_data(), sbf_load_plots_data_recursive(), sbf_load_plots_recursive(), sbf_load_spatial(), sbf_load_spatials(), sbf_load_string(), sbf_load_strings(), sbf_load_strings_recursive(), sbf_load_table(), sbf_load_tables(), sbf_load_tables_recursive(), sbf_subs_block_recursive(), sbf_subs_data_recursive(), sbf_subs_number_recursive(), sbf_subs_object_recursive(), sbf_subs_plot_recursive(), sbf_subs_string_recursive(), sbf_subs_table_recursive(), sbf_subs_window_recursive()

poissonconsulting/subfoldr2 documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 1:21 p.m.