sbf_upload_flobs_to_db: Upload flobs

View source: R/flob.R

sbf_upload_flobs_to_dbR Documentation

Upload flobs


Uploads all files to database by default dir = NULL then uploads flobs subdirectory corresponding to database using dbflobr::import_all_flobs().


  db_name = sbf_get_db_name(),
  sub = sbf_get_sub(),
  main = sbf_get_main(),
  dir = NULL,
  dbflobr_sub = FALSE,
  exists = FALSE,
  replace = FALSE



A string of the database name.


A logical scalar specifying whether to import flobs based on their filename (sub = FALSE) or the name of their subdirectory (sub = TRUE) which must only contain 1 file. If sub = NA and replace = TRUE then the names of the subdirectories are used irrespective of whether they include files and existing flobs are deleted if the corresponding subdirectory is empty. If sub = TRUE or sub = NA then recursion is just one subfolder deep.


A string specifying the path to the main folder (by default the current main folder)


A string of the path to the directory to import the files from. Files need to be within nested folders like 'table1/column1/a.csv'. This structure is created automatically if save_all_flobs() function is used.


A logical scalar specifying whether to import flobs based on their filename (sub = FALSE) or the name of their subdirectory (sub = TRUE) which must only contain 1 file. If sub = NA and replace = TRUE then the names of the subdirectories are used irrespective of whether they include files and existing flobs are deleted if the corresponding subdirectory is empty. If sub = TRUE or sub = NA then recursion is just one subfolder deep.


A logical scalar specifying whether the column must (TRUE) or mustn't (FALSE) already exist or whether it doesn't matter (NA). IF FALSE, a new BLOB column is created.


A flag indicating whether to replace existing flobs (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


An invisible named list indicating directory path, file names and whether files were successfully written to database.

See Also

Other flob: sbf_add_blob_column_to_db(), sbf_save_flobs_from_db()

Other database functions: sbf_add_blob_column_to_db(), sbf_close_db(), sbf_copy_db(), sbf_create_db(), sbf_execute_db(), sbf_open_db(), sbf_query_db()

poissonconsulting/subfoldr2 documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 1:21 p.m.