This package contains a single function : spatialize. Its purpose is to make a simple deterministic spatilization of an hourly record of a passed weather parameter based on the records stored by the PAMESEB automatic weather station network. As output this function produces a json file containing the spatialized data. You can then use it with e.g. a leaflet map.

How to install it ?

Within R : devtools::install_github("pokyah/spagromet", ref="master")

How to get the doc ?

Once installed, simply type help(spatialize) within R.

how to use this function from the command line ?

Once the package is installed on your machine, you will need an extra piece of code to call its function. This code could of course be written in any language.

If you want to call it with a UNIX bash command and you are familiar with Rscript, you could simply copy/paste the bash_spatialize.R script in the directory of your choice and invoke it using the following bash command :

spatialized_data=$( Rscript --vanilla <PATH_TO_bash_spatialize.R> <YYYY-MM-DD> <SENSOR_NAME> <spagromet_token>)

This bash_spatialize.R script basically parse the arguments , and you pass to your bash command and send them to the spagromet::spatialize function.

To echo the result in your terminal:


Please note that if you use the --vanilla flag, the .Renviron file will not be loaded. So you might need to pass your API_TOKEN in a way that does not require a call the Sys.getenv(). More about invoking R from the command line in this "intro to R" book chapter

pokyah/spagromet documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:36 a.m.