

#example data
x1 <- 100 + arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.999), n = 100)
x2 <- 100 + arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.999), n = 100)
y <- 1.2 * x1 + rnorm(100)
y[71:100] <- y[71:100] + 10
dat <- cbind(y, x1)

#pre and post periods
pre_period <- c(1, 70)
post_period <- c(71, 100)

#here x1 is the comparison and y is the time series that would have changed
impact <- CausalImpact(dat, pre_period, post_period)


Vignettes are long form documentation commonly included in packages. Because they are part of the distribution of the package, they need to be as compact as possible. The html_vignette output type provides a custom style sheet (and tweaks some options) to ensure that the resulting html is as small as possible. The html_vignette format:

Vignette Info

Note the various macros within the vignette section of the metadata block above. These are required in order to instruct R how to build the vignette. Note that you should change the title field and the \VignetteIndexEntry to match the title of your vignette.


The html_vignette template includes a basic CSS theme. To override this theme you can specify your own CSS in the document metadata as follows:

    css: mystyles.css


The figure sizes have been customised so that you can easily put two images side-by-side.


You can enable figure captions by fig_caption: yes in YAML:

    fig_caption: yes

Then you can use the chunk option fig.cap = "Your figure caption." in knitr.

More Examples

You can write math expressions, e.g. $Y = X\beta + \epsilon$, footnotes^[A footnote here.], and tables, e.g. using knitr::kable().

knitr::kable(head(mtcars, 10))

Also a quote using >:

"He who gives up [code] safety for [code] speed deserves neither." (via)

potterzot/livingwage documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:24 a.m.