Man pages for prescient/modelpipe
Fast and opinionated model development pipelines.

color_palReturns EY color hex values for use in plotting
devianceCalculates residual deviance for poisson regression. 0 y...
eliminate_featuresPerforms backwards variable selection using random forest...
generate_deviance_metricsGenerates bootstrap replicates of y and y_hat and calculates...
generate_reg_metricsGenerates bootstrap replicates of y and y_hat and calculates...
generate_xgb_foldsGenerates a set of cross validation folds used in the...
generate_xgb_paramsGenerates a random set of hyperparamters used in the xgb_reg,...
plot_all_metricsPlot test data bootstrapped rmse, rsquare, mae, and spearman...
plot_cor_bootPlot bootstrapped spearman rank correlation metrics
plot_hyperparam_tunePlot hyperparameter tuning results
plot_mae_bootPlot bootstrapped mae
plot_predicted_actualPlot test data predicted versus actual scatter plot
plot_rmse_bootPlot bootstrapped rmse
plot_rsq_bootPlot bootstrapped Rsquare
prep_binPreps binary targets using vtreat using cross frames and and...
prep_numericPreps numeric targets using vtreat using cross frames and and...
split_datasplits train and test frames
xgb_binAutomatically models categorical targets with random search...
xgb_poisAutomatically models poisson targets with random search...
xgb_regAutomatically models numeric targets (squared error function)...
prescient/modelpipe documentation built on Dec. 25, 2019, 3:20 a.m.