Man pages for prestodb/RPresto
DBI Connector to Presto

add_chunkAdd a chunk field to a data frame
dbCreateTableAsCreate a table in database using a statement
dbDataTypeReturn the corresponding presto data type for the given R...
dbGetInfoMetadata about database objects
dbplyr-dbdbplyr database methods
dbplyr_edition.PrestoConnectionInform the dbplyr version used in this package
dbplyr_function_implementationsS3 implementation of 'sql_query_fields' for Presto.
dbplyr-sqldbplyr SQL methods
dbRenameTableRename a table
dplyr_function_implementationsS3 implementation of 'db_desc' for Presto.
dplyr_source_function_implementationsdplyr integration to connect to a table in a database.
dummyPrestoConnectionA dummy PrestoConnection
dummy_tablesCreate dummy tables in Presto for testing
kerberos_configsA convenient wrapper around Kerberos config
PrestoConnect to a Presto database
PrestoConnection-classS4 implementation of 'DBIConnection' for Presto.
PrestoDriver-classAn S4 class to represent a Presto Driver (and methods) It is...
presto_has_defaultCheck if default database is available.
PrestoQuery-classClass to encapsulate a Presto query
PrestoResult-classAn S4 class to represent a Presto Result
PrestoSession-classClass to encapsulate a Presto session
RPresto-packageRPresto: DBI Connector to Presto
sqlCreateTableAsCompose query to create a simple table using a statement
src_prestodplyr integration to connect to a Presto database.
prestodb/RPresto documentation built on April 30, 2024, 1:34 a.m.