
A suite of R functions that print values in a way that humans can easily understand.



Basic usage


where x is any object. For example:

## Create a dataset
x.big = rnorm(12, mean=1e4, sd=1e3)
x.small = rnorm(12, mean=0, sd=0.5)
name = sample(levels(iris$Species), 12, replace=TRUE)
dd = data.frame(name, x.big, x.small)

pp(dd)          # typical usage
         name  x.big x.small
1   virginica 11,400  -0.694
2  versicolor  9,440  -0.139
3  versicolor 10,400 -0.0667
4  versicolor 10,600   0.318
5  versicolor 10,400  -0.142
6   virginica  9,890   -1.33
7      setosa 11,500   -1.22
8   virginica  9,910    0.66
9   virginica 12,000  -0.153
10     setosa  9,940  -0.891
11     setosa 11,300  -0.086
12 versicolor 12,300   0.607

Some more basic things that you can do:

pp(dd, b=TRUE)  # show original and formatted

pp(dd, s=2)     # 2 significant digits
pp(dd, r=2)     # 2 decimal places
# 2 decimal places for small numbers (-1 to 1), 2 significant digits otherwise
pp(dd, d=2) 

pp(dd, s=NA)    # format only, don't round
pp(dd, r=-3)    # round to the nearest thousand

User friendly descriptions of proportions

x = data.frame(prop = runif(20))
x$desc = pprop(x$prop)  # pretty proportions
    prop             desc
1  0.915     about 9 / 10
2  0.937 more than 9 / 10
3  0.286           3 / 10
4   0.83      about 4 / 5
5  0.642      about 2 / 3
6  0.519            1 / 2
7  0.737            3 / 4
8  0.135 more than 1 / 10
9  0.657            2 / 3
10 0.705           7 / 10
11 0.458      about 1 / 2
12 0.719           7 / 10
13 0.935 more than 9 / 10
14 0.255            1 / 4
15 0.462      about 1 / 2
16  0.94 more than 9 / 10
17 0.978          49 / 50
18 0.117     about 1 / 10
19 0.475      about 1 / 2
20  0.56      about 3 / 5

prettyprint/prettyprint documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:26 a.m.