
Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Licence Build Status



  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


This package provides functions to manipulate PDF files:

This package is still under development and this repository contains a development version of the R package staplr.


staplr requires a Java installation on your system. You can get the latest version of java from here. OpenJDK also works.

You can install the stable version from CRAN.

install.packages('staplr', dependencies = TRUE)

You can install staplr from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


# Merge multiple PDF files into one

# This command prompts the user to select the file interactively. 
# Remove page 2 and 3 from the selected file.
remove_pages(rmpages = c(2,3))

# This function selects pages from a file;
select_pages(selpages = c(1,3))

# This function splits a single input PDF document into individual pages

# This function writes renamed files back to directory
#if the directory contains 3 PDF files
rename_files(new_names = paste("file",1:3))

# These functions are to fill out pdf forms
# This includes 2 external functions `get_fields` and `set_fields` 
# and files to use as examples.
# This is what the example file looks like

# If you get path to this file by
pdfFile = system.file('testForm.pdf',package = 'staplr')

# And do
fields = get_fields(pdfFile)
# You'll get a list of fields that the pdf contains 
# along with some additional information about the fields.

# You make modifications in any of the fields by
fields$TextField1$value = 'this is text'
set_fields(pdfFile, 'newFile.pdf', fields)

# This will create a filled pdf file

Troubleshooting and 2.11.0 changes

options('staplr_java_options' = '-Xmx512m') 

This option is not affected by rJava settings.

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre
sudo R CMD javareconf

Also restart your R session after javareconf

# set staplr_custom_pdftk to the path to local installation
# just setting to pdftk will do if it's already in your path
 options('staplr_custom_pdftk' = 'pdftk') 

If you want to do this, you can get the original version of pdftk from here. Note that MacOS users with a version higher than "High Sierra" should use this version instead.

Make sure to set the option back to NULL if you want to use the built in pdftk later.


pridiltal/staplr documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 9:11 a.m.