knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
options(max.print = 20)

Function big_apply() enables to apply standard R functions to an FBM, by relying on split-apply-combine strategy where only a subset of the matrix is accessed at once. This allows for a compromise between the amount of maximum memory needed, and the speed of the operation. In this tutorial, I showcase two examples, the imputation of a 'double' FBM and the multiplication of two FBMs.

Example 1: Imputation of a 'double' FBM

Some data to work with:

X <- FBM(2000, 2000, init = rnorm(2000^2))
X[1, ] <- NA

To impute by the mean of each column, you can use the following code:

big_apply(X, function(X, ind) {
  # have an idea of progress
  # access a subset of columns as a standard R matrix
  X.sub <- X[, ind, drop = FALSE]
  # get the location (i, j) of missing values
  ind_na <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
  # compute the corresponding mean for each column j
  means <- colMeans(X.sub, na.rm = TRUE)[ind_na[, 2]]
  # update j (relative to subset) to global 'ind'
  ind_na[, 2] <- ind[ind_na[, 2]]
  # fill positions with corresponding means
  X[ind_na] <- means
  # here we don't want to return anything, so `NULL`
}, a.combine = 'c', block.size = 500)

What is going on:

# Verification
X[1, ]

Example 2: multiplication of two FBMs

Imagine you have two large FBMs

# here they are not that large but it is just for the example
N <- 5000
M1 <- 1000
M2 <- 2000
X1 <- FBM(N, M1, init = 1)
X2 <- FBM(N, M2, init = 2)

How to compute the cross-product $X_1^T X_2$?

The first thing is to ask whether you really want to do this, and questioned the dimension of the resulting matrix (here M1 $\times$ M2).

There are many solutions to this problem, that depends mainly of the size of your matrices.

The first simple solution when X2 is small is to access it as a standard R matrix and to use.

cprod1 <- big_cprodMat(X1, X2[])

If X1 is small and the resulting product is small, then you can also use

cprod2 <- t(big_cprodMat(X2, X1[]))
all.equal(cprod2, cprod1)

If the matrices are larger, especially X2, then you can compute the cross-product only for a subset of columns of X2, which gives you only a subset of columns of the result, which you can then combine. This can be implemented using

cprod3 <- big_apply(X2, function(X, ind) {
  big_cprodMat(X1, X[, ind, drop = FALSE])
}, a.combine  = "cbind", block.size = 500)
all.equal(cprod3, cprod1)

To use parallelism, you can e.g. use bigparallelr::set_blas_ncores() to allow for parallel matrix operations if R is linked to some parallel matrix library such as MKL or OpenBLAS. You can also use the parallelism from big_apply(); this won't work as is:

big_apply(X2, function(X, ind) {
  big_cprodMat(X1, X[, ind, drop = FALSE])
}, a.combine  = "cbind", block.size = 500, ncores = nb_cores())

You need two things here, which is basically telling the parallel clusters what are big_cprodMat and X1; you can do

cprod4 <- big_apply(X2, function(X, ind, X1) {
  bigstatsr::big_cprodMat(X1, X[, ind, drop = FALSE])
}, a.combine  = "cbind", block.size = 500, ncores = nb_cores(), X1 = X1)
all.equal(cprod4, cprod1)

Basically, you need to tell explicitly in which package to find the function, and to pass the other variables as parameters in the function and in big_apply(). For more information on these matters, please have a look at this tutorial on parallelism with R. Also note that each core will use at most a block size of 500 here, so at most 500 x ncores, so you might need to reduce the block size a bit when using parallelism (this is done by default when not specifying block.size).

Another strategy, to save a bit of memory, is to preallocate a resulting FBM and fill it:

cprod5 <- FBM(ncol(X1), ncol(X2))
big_apply(X2, function(X, ind, X1, res) {
  res[, ind] <- bigstatsr::big_cprodMat(X1, X[, ind, drop = FALSE])
}, a.combine  = "c", block.size = 500, ncores = nb_cores(), X1 = X1, res = cprod5)
all.equal(cprod5[], cprod1)

privefl/bigstatsr documentation built on March 29, 2024, 3:31 a.m.