Copyright RĂ©seau Semences Paysannes and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

Licence creative commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

What is PPB ?

PPB is an R package that provides severals examples of workflow of analysis that can be used in PPB programmes.

PPB is based on the use of


SHiNeMaS stands for Seeds History and Network Management System. It is a data base that stores and organises information related to relations between seed-lots (diffusion, mixture, reproduction, selection, crosses) and data linked to relations or seed-lots. The web site dedicated to SHiNeMaS is here.


shinemas2R is an R package to visualize outputs from the data base Seed History and Network Management System (SHiNeMaS). The web site dedicated to shinemas2R is here.


PPBstats is an R package for statistical analysis of unbalanced trials in decentralized participatory plant breeding programmes. The web site dedicated to PPBstats is here.

General workflow

The workflow can be described as follows:

priviere/PPBformations documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:32 a.m.