Man pages for profrichharris/MLID
Multilevel Index of Dissimilarity

aggdataAggregated population counts by ethnic group
catplotCaterpillar plot
confint.indexConfidence intervals for the multilevel index
effectConsider the effect of particular places upon the ID
ethnicitiesPopulation counts by ethnic group
head.impactsReturn the highest impact scores for each higher level area
holdbackHoldback scores
id(Multilevel) index of dissimilarity
impactsImpact calculations
MLIDMLID: a package for calculating a multilevel index of...
plot.confintindexPlot the confidence intervals for the multilevel residuals
print.fxindexPrint values
print.impactsPrint values
print.indexPrint values
residuals.indexExtract Model Residuals
rstandard.indexThe Standardised resdiduals for the single-level Index of...
rstudent.indexThe Studentised resdiduals for the single-level Index of...
sumupSum the data up into higher level groups
tail.impactsReturn the lowest impact scores for each higher level area
profrichharris/MLID documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:34 a.m.