
To be able to load the applications, you must have the .RData file...

Please contact the maintainer to do so, as the data are `confidential´.

How to Use

The easiest way (recommended)

After you have installed and loaded the package, simply run the command


and the application will appear in Rstudio.

Or you can also...

Many ways other ways to download and run it: ```R library(shiny)

Easiest way is to use runGitHub

runGitHub("Shiny_visual_app", "rstudio")

Run a tar or zip file directly

runUrl("") runUrl("")

Or you can clone the git repository, then use `runApp()`:

# First clone the repository with git. If you have cloned it into
# ~/shiny_example, first go to that directory, then use runApp().

To run a Shiny app from a subdirectory in the repo or zip file, you can use the subdir argument. This repository happens to contain another copy of the app in inst/shinyapp/.

runGitHub("Shiny_visual_app", "rstudio", subdir = "inst/shinyapp/")

       subdir = "inst/shinyapp/")

proto4426/PissoortThesis documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:31 a.m.