Man pages for psavoy/StreamLightUtils
A Utility Package for the StreamLight Package

AppEEARS_procFilters and gap-fills downloaded MODIS AppEEARS data
AppEEARS_unpack_QCUnpacks downloaded MODIS LAI data and QC information
extract_heightGet LiDAR derived tree heights based on Latitude and...
get_tzDetermines timezone from Latitude and Longitude
LAI_proc_phenofitInterpolates LAI into daily values
make_driverMakes light model driver files
NLDAS_DLDownloads NLDAS light data
NLDAS_DL_bulkDownloads NLDAS light data
NLDAS_procProcesses downloaded NLDAS light data
pad_tsPad a timeseries with a year at the start and the end
QC_weightsAssigns weights to LAI data based on the 5-level QC score
simard2011LiDAR derived estimates of tree heights from Simard et al....
tz_worldA shapefile of world timezones
psavoy/StreamLightUtils documentation built on April 5, 2022, 11:05 p.m.