Man pages for psirusteam/TeachingSampling
Selection of Samples and Parameter Estimation in Finite Population

BigCityFull Person-level Population Database
BigLucyFull Business Population Database
DeltaklVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Sample Membership...
DomainsDomains Indicator Matrix
E.1SIEstimation of the Population Total under Single Stage Simple...
E.2SIEstimation of the Population Total under Two Stage Simple...
E.BEEstimation of the Population Total under Bernoulli Sampling...
E.BetaEstimation of the population regression coefficients under SI...
E.piPSEstimation of the Population Total under Probability...
E.POEstimation of the Population Total under Poisson Sampling...
E.PPSEstimation of the Population Total under Probability...
E.QuantileEstimation of a Population quantile
E.SIEstimation of the Population Total under Simple Random...
E.STpiPSEstimation of the Population Total under Stratified...
E.STPPSEstimation of the Population Total under Stratified...
E.STSIEstimation of the Population Total under Stratified Simple...
E.SYEstimation of the Population Total under Systematic Sampling...
E.TrimWeight Trimming and Redistribution
E.UCEstimation of the Population Total and its variance using the...
E.WREstimation of the Population Total under Simple Random...
GREG.SIThe Generalized Regression Estimator under SI sampling design
HHThe Hansen-Hurwitz Estimator
HTThe Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
IkSample Membership Indicator
IkRSSample Membership Indicator for Random Size sampling designs
IkWRSample Membership Indicator for with Replacements sampling...
IPFPIterative Proportional Fitting Procedure
LucySome Business Population Database
nkSample Selection Indicator for With Replacement Sampling...
OrderWRPseudo-Support for Fixed Size With Replacement Sampling...
PikInclusion Probabilities for Fixed Size Without Replacement...
PikHolOptimal Inclusion Probabilities Under Multi-purpose Sampling
PiklSecond Order Inclusion Probabilities for Fixed Size Without...
PikPPSInclusion Probabilities in Proportional to Size Sampling...
PikSTPPSInclusion Probabilities in Stratified Proportional to Size...
p.WRGeneralization of every with replacement sampling design
S.BEBernoulli Sampling Without Replacement
S.piPSProbability Proportional to Size Sampling Without Replacement
S.POPoisson Sampling
S.PPSProbability Proportional to Size Sampling With Replacement
S.SISimple Random Sampling Without Replacement
S.STpiPSStratified Sampling Applying Without Replacement piPS Design...
S.STPPSStratified Sampling Applying PPS Design in all Strata
S.STSIStratified sampling applying SI design in all strata
S.SYSystematic Sampling
SupportSampling Support for Fixed Size Without Replacement Sampling...
SupportRSSampling Support for Random Size Without Replacement Sampling...
SupportWRSampling Support for Fixed Size With Replacement Sampling...
S.WRSimple Random Sampling With Replacement
T.SICComputation of Population Totals for Clusters
VarHTVariance of the Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
VarSYGHTTwo different varaince estimators for the Horvitz-Thompson...
WkThe Calibration Weights
psirusteam/TeachingSampling documentation built on April 23, 2020, 8:31 p.m.