intrval: Relational Operators Comparing Values to Intervals

intrvalR Documentation

Relational Operators Comparing Values to Intervals


Functions for evaluating if values of vectors are within intervals.


x %[]% interval
x %)(% interval
x %[<]% interval
x %[>]% interval

x %[)% interval
x %)[% interval
x %[<)% interval
x %[>)% interval

x %(]% interval
x %](% interval
x %(<]% interval
x %(>]% interval

x %()% interval
x %][% interval
x %(<)% interval
x %(>)% interval

intrval_types(type = NULL, plot = FALSE)



vector or NULL: the values to be compared to interval endpoints.


vector, 2-column matrix, list, or NULL: the interval end points.


character, type of operator for subsetting the results. The default NULL means that all types will be displayed.


logical, whether to plot the results, or print a table to the console instead.


Values of x are compared to interval endpoints a and b (a <= b). Endpoints can be defined as a vector with two values (c(a, b)): these values will be compared as a single interval with each value in x. If endpoints are stored in a matrix-like object or a list, comparisons are made element-wise. If lengths do not match, shorter objects are recycled. These value-to-interval operators work for numeric (integer, real) and ordered vectors, and object types which are measured at least on ordinal scale (e.g. dates), see Examples. Note: interval endpoints are sorted internally thus ensuring the condition a <= b is not necessary.

The type argument or the specification of the special function determines the open (( and )) or closed ([ and ]) endpoints and relations.

There are four types of intervals ([], [), (], ()), their negation ()(, )[, ](, ][, respectively), less than ([<], [<), (<], (<)), and greater than ([>], [>), (>], (>)) relations.

Note that some operators return identical results but are syntactically different: %[<]% and %[<)% both evaluate x < a; %[>]% and %(>]% both evaluate x > b; %(<]% and %(<)% evaluate x <= a; %[>)% and %(>)% both evaluate x >= b. This is so because we evaluate only one end of the interval but still conceptually referring to the relationship defined by the right-hand-side interval object and given that a <= b. This implies 2 conditional logical evaluations instead of treating it as a single 3-level ordered factor.


A logical vector, indicating if x is in the specified interval. Values are TRUE, FALSE, or NA (when any of the 3 values (x or endpoints in interval) are NA).

The helper function intrval_types can be used to understand and visualize the operators' effects. It returns a matrix explaining the properties of the operators.


Peter Solymos <>

See Also

See help page for relational operators: Comparison.

See %[o]% for relational operators for interval-to-interval comparisons.

See factor for the behavior with factor arguments. See also %in% for value matching and %ni% for negated value matching for factors.

See Syntax for operator precedence.


## motivating example from example(lm)

## Annette Dobson (1990) "An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models".
## Page 9: Plant Weight Data.
ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14)
trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
group <- gl(2, 10, 20, labels = c("Ctl","Trt"))
weight <- c(ctl, trt)
lm.D9 <- lm(weight ~ group)
## compare 95% confidence intervals with 0
(CI.D9 <- confint(lm.D9))
0 %[]% CI.D9

## comparing dates

DATE <- as.Date(c("2000-01-01","2000-02-01", "2000-03-31"))
DATE %[<]% as.Date(c("2000-01-151", "2000-03-15"))
DATE %[]% as.Date(c("2000-01-151", "2000-03-15"))
DATE %[>]% as.Date(c("2000-01-151", "2000-03-15"))

## interval formats

x <- rep(4, 5)
a <- 1:5
b <- 3:7
cbind(x=x, a=a, b=b)
x %[]% cbind(a, b) # matrix
x %[]% data.frame(a=a, b=b) # data.frame
x %[]% list(a, b) # list

## helper functions

intrval_types() # print
intrval_types(plot = TRUE) # plot

## graphical examples

## bounding box
n <- 10^4
x <- runif(n, -2, 2)
y <- runif(n, -2, 2)
iv1 <- x %[]% c(-1, 1) & y %[]% c(-1, 1)
plot(x, y, pch = 19, cex = 0.25, col = iv1 + 1, main = "Bounding box")

## time series filtering
x <- seq(0, 4*24*60*60, 60*60)
dt <- as.POSIXct(x, origin="2000-01-01 00:00:00")
f <- as.POSIXlt(dt)$hour %[]% c(0, 11)
plot(sin(x) ~ dt, type="l", col="grey",
    main = "Filtering date/time objects")
points(sin(x) ~ dt, pch = 19, col = f + 1)

## watch precedence
(2 * 1:5) %[]% (c(2, 3) * 2)
2 * 1:5 %[]% (c(2, 3) * 2)
(2 * 1:5) %[]% c(2, 3) * 2
2 * 1:5 %[]% c(2, 3) * 2

psolymos/intrval documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 1:40 p.m.