Man pages for pteetor/tutils
Utility functions for Tau

addBusinessTimeUnitsAdd business time units
as.xts.tbl_dfConvert a tibble to xts
businessCalendarGenerate vector of business dates
businessDaySeqCreate sequence of business dates
calendarDayFactorCreate day-of-year factor from zoo or xts object
catlnAdd free newline to cat arguments
coalesceReturn first non-NULL, non-NA argument
commaFmtFormat a number with embedded commas
condProbCalculate conditional probability
dataFrameToXtsConvert a data frame to an xts matrix
declareType-check a function parameter
do.cbindBind list elements into columns - OBSOLETE
do_ifConditionally apply expressions to a data object
do.rbindBind list elements into rows - OBSOLETE
fatalReport or test a fatal condition
fillBusinessDaysReplace missing business days
financialFmtFormat a number in "financial" format
fwdDiffForward difference of a time series
gcdGreatest common divisor (GCD)
isBusinessDayPredicate for business days
kadaneContiguous subvector with the largest sum
landscapeOrient a data structure into landscape
medianCIEstimate and confidence interval of the median
monthCodeReturn a futures month code
monthFactorCreate month-of-year factor from zoo or xts object
monthIndexSerial number of a month
monthNumberConvert month in character format to integer (1, ..., 12)
nearestBusinessDayFind business date nearest to given date
non.naTest for non-NA
non.nullTest for non-NULL
nthReturn Nth item of a vector or Nth row of a 2-dimensional...
op-disjunction-functionalCombine two predicates
op-null-defaultDefault value for 'NULL'
partialCorCalculate partial correlation
portraitForce a data structure into portrait orientation
prevTradingDayPrevious trading day
proj_libraryAttach the files in project's R directory
proj_sourceSource files in project's R directory
quantileCIEstimate and confidence intervals of a quantile
quarterFactorCreate quarter-of-year factor from zoo or xts object Returns...
reoriginReorigin data to zero
safeAverageSafely compute an average and it's confidence interval
tauReadCsvTau wrapper for read.csv()
tauWindowSmart windowing function for time series
theReturn first (and only) element of argument
thisTradingDayCurrent trading day
tidy.xtsConvert xts object to tibble
trimeanTrimean - robust location statistic
upsideDownFlip a matrix or data frame, top to bottom
weekFactorCreate a week-of-the-year factor from zoo or xts object
xtsToDataFrameConvert xts matrix to data frame
xtsToRegressionDataConvert xts to regression-ready data frame
yyyymmddToDateConvert a yyyymmdd value to a Date
pteetor/tutils documentation built on March 23, 2024, 5:29 a.m.