  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Accessing and browsing API

Accessing API

in file functions_for_api_access.R

The core of the package are the functions for API access in the file functions_for_api_access.R. The function access_API accesses the open classification API of Statistics Finland. The functions get_urls, get_keys and get_classifications are wrappers of function access_API to get urls of endpoint, classification series and correspondence tables, respectively.

Functions in this file should generally avoid using functions of this package. The function find_classification_service uses search_keys and search_classifications. This recursion works since the search_keys and search_classificationss set the argument classification_service and thus themselves do not rely on function find_classification_service.

Browsing API

in file functions_for_api_search.R

File functions_for_api_search.R provides the tools for searching and browsing available classifications and classification keys in the API. Functions in this file rely on functions in file functions_for_api_access.R. There are two functions: search_keys and search_classifications corresponding to the two supported classification services correspondenceTables and classifications, respectively.

Region classifications and keys

statficlassifications provides tools for checking the correspondence of region classifications in the data to the classifications of Statistic Finland and to standardize classifications.

Standardized region codes

statficlassifications aims to impose the use of prefixed region codes. Prefixes are useful in making sure codes do not map to multiple names. There are, for instance, kuntia and seutukuntia with identical numbers. Prefixes help distinguish between these. The prefixed region codes are what are throughout the package called the "standardized region codes".

The idea of handling regional information that the package imposes is that the region codes are first standardized as the prefixed codes. The function set_region_codes is the workhorse. Standardized region codes can then be recoded to region names.

If the data has region codes, the workflow in standardizing both region names and codes in data would be to first set the region codes using set_region_codes, then use codes_to_names to set the region names.

Testing if region variables

in file functions_for_testing_region_classifications.R

Returning logicals.

Detecting region variables

in file functions_for_detecting_region_variables.R

These functions are based on functions that test if region variables

Checking region variables

in file functions_for_checking_region_classifications.R

These are functions that check if everything is standardized and fine in data. They report for possible anomalies.

pttry/statficlassifications documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 4:36 p.m.