CRAN submission of PHEindicatormethods package version 2.1.0

Updates in this release

R CMD check results on local installation

There were no ERRORs, WARNINGS or NOTES on the following local installation: * Windows 10 install using R 4.4.1

Other Test Environments

devtools::check_win_* on the following R versions gave no ERRORS OR WARNINGS. All release versions showed 1 NOTE about new maintainer because the forename and surname order has been corrected. The logs mention possible invalid URL but this has been checked manually and the package passes the urlchecker::url_check():

R-hub-v2 checks have been performed on the Consortium Runners for the following platforms and all jobs completed successfully.

CRAN Checks for existing package release

CRAN checks for version v2.0.2 are all OK

Downstream dependencies

revdepcheck::revdep_check() shows no downstream dependencies

publichealthengland/PHEindicatormethods documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 3:18 p.m.