
#' Make judgements of an input quantler obj.
#' @param trade.info A data frame contains the signal of trade information
#'   and stock data.
#' @param cash Trade money at start.
#' @param is.pic Plot results or not.
#' @param is.pic.whole Should the pic output be in one piece together or in a
#'   list which contains all segments of different pics, only valied when is.pic
#'   is True.
#' @param plotlevel Values in one of "1min", "60mins", "1day", only valied when
#'   is.pic is True.
#' @param is.tax  Boolean values of True or False, add trading commission or
#'   not.
#' @param tax.rate Tax rate per trade, only valide when set is.tax to True.
#' @param is.simple Boolean values of True or False, which means if the
#'   judgement should be done in a simple way to run faster, only valied when
#'   is.pic is True.
#' @return A list contains the information of trading results.
#' @details Trade.info must be a data frame in the form of:
#'   data.frame(
#'    wind_code(character),
#'    stock.name(character),
#'    stock.price(numeric),
#'    stock.time(POSIXCT("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm")),
#'    stock.date(as.Date("yyyy-mm-dd")),
#'    strategy.b(integer in c(-1, 0, 1), 0:"hold", 1:"buy", -1:"sell"),
#'    strategy.s(c(0,0,1,-1,0,0,....), 0:"hold", 1:"buy", -1:"sell")
#'    )
#' @examples
#' data(stradeinfo_bp)
#' bt <- backtest(stradeinfo_bp, cash = 100000, is.pic = T, is.pic.whole = T)
#' plot(bt$pic)
#' @export
# backtest00 <- function(
#                        trade.info, cash = 0, is.pic = F, is.pic.whole = T, plotlevel = "1day",
#                        is.tax = T, tax.rate = 0.003, is.simple = F) {
#   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
#   # params ####
#   # (1)输入参数检查
#   if (!is.data.frame(trade.info)) {
#     stop("trade.info must be a data frame")
#   } else if (
#     !all(c("wind_code", "stock.name", "stock.price", "stock.time", "stock.date") %in% names(trade.info))
#   ) {
#     stop("components in trade.info are not correct")
#   }
#   if (class(trade.info$stock.date) != "Date") {
#     tryCatch({
#       trade.info$stock.date <- as.Date(trade.info$stock.date)
#     },
#     error = function(e) {
#       "时间格式错误"
#     }
#     )
#   }
#   if (class(trade.info$stock.time)[1] != "POSIXct") {
#     tryCatch({
#       trade.info$stock.time <- as.POSIXct(trade.info$stock.time)
#     },
#     error = function(e) {
#       "时间格式错误"
#     }
#     )
#   }
#   tryCatch({
#     time.space <- as.numeric(diff(trade.info$stock.time[1:2]), units = "mins")
#   },
#   error = function(e) {
#     "时间格式错误"
#   }
#   )
#   if (!(plotlevel %in% c("1min", "1day"))) stop("the value of plotlevel must be one of :\"1min\", \"1day\"")
#   if (!is.logical(is.tax)) stop("is.tax must be a logical variable")
#   if (!is.logical(is.pic)) stop("is.pic must be a logical variable")
#   if (!is.numeric(cash)) {
#     stop("cash must be a logical variable")
#   } else if (cash < 0) {
#     stop("cash must be larger than 0")
#   }
#   # frequence of trade data
#   if (time.space < 5) {
#     strategy.level <- "1min"
#   } else if (time.space > 1380) {
#     strategy.level <- "1day"
#   } else if (time.space >= 5 && time.space <= 1380) {
#     strategy.level <- "60mins"
#   } else {
#     stop("data level is not standard!")
#   }
#   # 获取交易信号
#   if (all(c("strategy.s", "strategy.b") %in% names(trade.info))) {
#     strategy.type <- c("buy", "sell")
#     strategy.b <- trade.info$strategy.b
#     strategy.s <- trade.info$strategy.s
#     if (any(abs(strategy.b - strategy.s) > 2)) stop("Operate direction conflits occur in strategys!")
#     if (!all(c(-1, 1) %in% unique(strategy.b))) stop("Operate signal miss in strategy.b!")
#     if (!all(c(-1, 1) %in% unique(strategy.s))) stop("Operate signal miss in strategy.s!")
#   } else if ("strategy.b" %in% names(trade.info)) {
#     strategy.type <- c("buy")
#     strategy.b <- trade.info$strategy.b
#     if (!all(c(-1, 1) %in% unique(strategy.b))) stop("Operate signal miss in strategy.b!")
#     strategy.s <- c()
#   } else if ("strategy.s" %in% names(trade.info)) {
#     strategy.type <- c("sell")
#     strategy.s <- trade.info$strategy.s
#     if (!all(c(-1, 1) %in% unique(strategy.s))) stop("Operate signal miss in strategy.s!")
#     strategy.b <- c()
#   } else {
#     stop("The strategy info is missing!")
#   }
#   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##--------------------------------####
#   # (二)计算 ####
#   # (1)内部函数&全局变量
#   strategy.days <- length(unique(trade.info$stock.date)) # 策略执行日期
#   risk.free.rate <- .04 # 无风险利率
#   stock.price <- trade.info$stock.price # 股价
#   len <- nrow(trade.info) # 记录数
#   loc.day <- c(which(diff(trade.info$stock.date) >= 1), len) # 日分割点
#   # (2)价值计算
#   weight.b <- 0 # 多头期初持股
#   if ("sell" %in% strategy.type) {
#     weight.s <- floor(cash / (stock.price[1]) / 100) * 100 # 空头期初持股
#   } else {
#     weight.s <- 0
#   }
#   weight.s.temp <- weight.s # 空头期间持股
#   total.price <- c() # 策略期间总价值
#   total.price.b <- c() # 多头期间价值
#   total.price.s <- c() # 空头期间价值
#   cash.temp.b <- cash # 多头期间现金
#   cash.temp.s <- 0 # 空头期间现金
#   for (i in 1:len) {
#     # 交易成本:0.003,单边(卖)
#     if ("buy" %in% strategy.type) { # 做多
#       if (strategy.b[i] > 0) {
#         if (i > 1 && strategy.b[i - 1] > 0) {
#           message(paste(
#             "策略出错", trade.info$stock.time[i], "多头 ", "现金", cash.temp.b,
#             "持股", weight.b, "连续全仓买入的信号,只执行第一次操作\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.b[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.b[i] <- weight.b * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.b
#         } else if (cash.temp.b < stock.price[i] * 100) {
#           message(paste(
#             "策略出错", trade.info$stock.time[i], "多头 ", "现金", cash.temp.b,
#             "持股", weight.b, "资金不足,无法买入\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.b[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.b[i] <- weight.b * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.b
#         } else {
#           if (weight.b == 0) { # 未持仓
#             weight.b <- floor(cash.temp.b / (100 * stock.price[i])) * 100 # 持有股票
#             cash.temp.b <- round(cash.temp.b - stock.price[i] * weight.b, 2) # 持有现金
#           } else {
#             strategy.b[i] <- 0 # 连续加仓暂时只算第一次
#             weight.b0 <- weight.b
#             weight.b <- weight.b + floor(cash.temp.b / (100 * stock.price[i])) * 100 # 持仓,且继续加仓
#             cash.temp.b <- round(cash.temp.b - stock.price[i] * (weight.b - weight.b0), 2) # 持有现金
#           }
#           total.price.b[i] <- weight.b * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.b # 现金和股票总价值
#         }
#       } else if (strategy.b[i] == 0) {
#         total.price.b[i] <- cash.temp.b + stock.price[i] * weight.b # 现金和股票总价值
#       } else {
#         if (i > 1 && strategy.b[i - 1] < 0) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "long position ",
#             "cash holding", cash.temp.b, "stock holding", weight.b,
#             "continuous sell signal, only the first will be execute\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.b[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.b[i] <- total.price.b[i - 1]
#         } else if (i == 1) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "long position ",
#             "cash holding", cash.temp.b, "stock holding", weight.b,
#             "sell signal in the first handel, sell execution denied\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.b[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.b[i] <- cash.temp.b
#         } else if (weight.b <= 0) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "long position ",
#             "cash holding", cash.temp.b, "stock holding", weight.b,
#             "not enough stock in hand, sell execution denied\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.b[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.b[i] <- cash.temp.b
#         } else {
#           if (stock.price[i] * weight.b * tax.rate < 5) { # 税费小于5元时按5元算
#             total.price.b[i] <- cash.temp.b + stock.price[i] * weight.b - 5 * is.tax
#           } else {
#             total.price.b[i] <-
#               cash.temp.b + stock.price[i] * weight.b - stock.price[i] * weight.b * tax.rate * is.tax
#           }
#           cash.temp.b <- round(total.price.b[i], 2)
#           weight.b <- 0
#         }
#       }
#     } else {
#       total.price.b[i] <- 0
#     }
#     if ("sell" %in% strategy.type) { # 做空
#       if (strategy.s[i] < 0) { # 卖出信号
#         if (i > 1 && strategy.s[i - 1] < 0) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "short postion", "cash",
#             cash.temp.s, "stock holding", weight.s.temp,
#             "continuous sell signal, only the first will be executed\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.s[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.s[i] <- total.price.s[i - 1]
#         } else if (weight.s.temp <= 0) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "short postion", "cash",
#             cash.temp.s, "stock holding", weight.s.temp,
#             "not enough stocks, sell execution denied\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.s[i] <- 0
#           total.price.s[i] <- total.price.s[i - 1]
#         } else {
#           if (stock.price[i] * weight.s.temp * tax.rate < 5) {
#             total.price.s[i] <-
#               stock.price[i] * weight.s.temp - 5 * is.tax + cash.temp.s
#           } else {
#             total.price.s[i] <-
#               stock.price[i] * weight.s.temp - stock.price[i] * weight.s.temp * tax.rate * is.tax + cash.temp.s
#           }
#           cash.temp.s <- round(total.price.s[i], 2) # 平仓获取现金
#           weight.s.temp <- 0 # 持有股票重设为0
#         }
#       } else if (strategy.s[i] == 0) {
#         total.price.s[i] <- cash.temp.s + stock.price[i] * weight.s.temp
#       } else { # 买入信号
#         if (i > 1 && strategy.s[i - 1] > 0) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "short postion ", "cash holding",
#             cash.temp.s, "stock holding", weight.s.temp,
#             "continuous buy signal, only the first will be executed\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.s[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.s[i] <- weight.s.temp * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.s
#         } else if (i == 1) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "short postion ", "cash holdinig",
#             cash.temp.s, "stock holding", weight.s.temp,
#             "first trade signal is buy in short position, buy execution denied\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.s[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.s[i] <- weight.s.temp * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.s
#         } else if (cash.temp.s < stock.price[i] * 100) {
#           message(paste(
#             "strategy fault", trade.info$stock.time[i], "short postion ", "cash holding",
#             cash.temp.s, "stock holding", weight.s.temp,
#             "not engouth cash, buy execution denied\n",
#             sep = ";"
#           ))
#           strategy.s[i] <- 0 # 修改错误信号
#           total.price.s[i] <- weight.s.temp * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.s
#         } else {
#           weight.s.temp <- floor(cash.temp.s / (stock.price[i]) / 100) * 100
#           cash.temp.s <- round(cash.temp.s - stock.price[i] * weight.s.temp, 2)
#           total.price.s[i] <- weight.s.temp * stock.price[i] + cash.temp.s
#         }
#       }
#     } else {
#       total.price.s[i] <- 0
#       weight.s <- 0
#     }
#     total.price[i] <- total.price.b[i] + total.price.s[i] - stock.price[i] * weight.s # 更新总价值
#   }
#   if (!"buy" %in% strategy.type) total.price <- total.price + stock.price[1] * weight.s # 单独做空时为方便检验效果,加上初始金额,100股除不尽的部分忽略
#   # (3)评估参数计算
#   # 3.1 总交易次数,买卖各算一次
#   strategy.num <- sum(c(strategy.s > 0, strategy.b > 0))
#   # 3.2 基准收益(向量)
#   stock.price.win <- bm_return_v(stock.price, cash)
#   # 3.3 基准收益率 (股票+现金当前价值 - 初始价值)/初始价值
#   benchmark.return <- return_rate(stock.price)
#   # 3.4 策略交易收益率
#   strategy.return <- return_rate(total.price)
#   # 3.5 日交易基准收益率 (股票+现金当前价值-初始价值)/初始价值
#   benchmark.day.return <- return_rate(stock.price, "day", strategy.days)
#   strategy.day.return <- return_rate(total.price, "day", strategy.days)
#   # 3.6 基准年化收益(标量)
#   benchmark.annual.return <- return_rate(stock.price, "year", strategy.days)
#   # 3.7 策略年化收益(标量)
#   strategy.annual.return <- return_rate(total.price, "year", strategy.days)
#   # 3.8 beta  cov(策略每日收益, 基准每日收益)/var(基准每日收益)
#   beta <- beta_stock(stock.price[loc.day], cash.begin = cash, trade.value = total.price)
#   # 3.9 alpha
#   alpha <- alpha_stock(
#     stock.price = stock.price, cash.begin = cash, trade.value = total.price,
#     rate = risk.free.rate, trade.days = strategy.days
#   )
#   # 3.10 Algorithm Volatility(策略波动率)
#   alg.vol <- algo_vol(total.price[loc.day])
#   # 3.11夏普比率
#   sharpe.ratio <- sharpe_rate(
#     trade.value = total.price, rate = risk.free.rate, trade.days = strategy.days
#   )
#   # 3.12信息比率
#   # 策略与基准每日收益差值的年化标准差
#   info.ratio <- info_rate(
#     stock.price = stock.price[loc.day], cash.begin = cash,
#     trade.value = total.price[loc.day],
#     trade.days = strategy.days
#   )
#   # 3.13 基准波动率
#   ben.vol <- bench_vol(stock.price[loc.day]) # daily
#   # 3.14 最大回撤
#   max.dd.temp <- maxdrawdown(trade.value = total.price)
#   max.drawdown <- max.dd.temp$value
#   max.drawdown.loc <- max.dd.temp$loc
#   max.down.date <- trade.info$stock.date[max.drawdown.loc]
#   # 3.15 胜率
#   if (length(strategy.type) == 2) {
#     win.rate.b <- win_rate(
#       strategy.signal = strategy.b, trade.value = total.price.b, type = "buy"
#     )
#     win.rate.s <- win_rate(
#       strategy.signal = strategy.s, trade.value = total.price.s, type = "sell",
#       weight.s = weight.s, stockp.begin = stock.price[1]
#     )
#     win.rate <-
#       (win.rate.b[[1]] * win.rate.b[[2]] + win.rate.s[[1]] * win.rate.s[[2]]) /
#         (win.rate.b[[2]] + win.rate.s[[2]])
#   } else if (strategy.type == "buy") {
#     win.rate.b <- win_rate(
#       strategy.signal = strategy.b, trade.value = total.price.b, type = "buy"
#     )
#     win.rate <- win.rate.b[[1]]
#   } else {
#     win.rate.s <- win_rate(
#       strategy.signal = strategy.s, trade.value = total.price.s, type = "sell",
#       weight.s = weight.s, stockp.begin = stock.price[1]
#     )
#     win.rate <- win.rate.s[[1]]
#   }
#   # 3.16 日胜率
#   win.day.rate <-
#     sum(diff(total.price[loc.day]) >
#       diff(stock.price[loc.day]) * (cash / stock.price[1])) / strategy.days
#   # 3.17盈亏比
#   diff.cash <- diff(total.price)
#   win.lose.rate <- sum(diff.cash[diff.cash > 0]) / abs(sum(diff.cash[diff.cash < 0]))
#   # 3.18 正确率 & 3.19平均每笔收益率
#   if (length(strategy.type) == 1) {
#     if (strategy.type == "buy") {
#       # 正确率
#       acc.rate.b <- pre_correct(stock.price, strategy.b = strategy.b)[1]
#       acc.rate.s <- NA
#       # 平均收益率
#       mean.win.rate.b <- mean(win.rate.b$pertrade.winrate)
#       mean.win.rate.s <- NA
#     } else {
#       acc.rate.s <- pre_correct(stock.price, strategy.s = strategy.s)[2]
#       acc.rate.b <- NA
#       # 平均收益率
#       mean.win.rate.b <- NA
#       mean.win.rate.s <- mean(win.rate.s$pertrade.winrate)
#     }
#   } else {
#     acc.both <- pre_correct(stock.price, strategy.s = strategy.s, strategy.b = strategy.b)
#     acc.rate.b <- acc.both[1]
#     acc.rate.s <- acc.both[2]
#     mean.win.rate.b <- mean(win.rate.b$pertrade.winrate)
#     mean.win.rate.s <- mean(win.rate.s$pertrade.winrate)
#   }
#   # 3.20 输出
#   all.features <- list(
#     benchmark.return, strategy.return, benchmark.day.return, benchmark.day.return,
#     strategy.day.return, benchmark.annual.return, strategy.annual.return, beta,
#     alpha, alg.vol, sharpe.ratio, info.ratio, ben.vol, max.drawdown, win.rate,
#     win.day.rate, win.lose.rate, total.price, stock.price, stock.price.win
#   )
#   names(all.features) <- c(
#     "benchmark.return", "strategy.return", "benchmark.day.return",
#     "benchmark.day.return", "strategy.day.return", "benchmark.annual.return",
#     "strategy.annual.return", "beta", "alpha", "alg.vol", "sharpe.ratio",
#     "info.ratio", "ben.vol", "max.drawdown", "win.rate", "win.day.rate",
#     "win.lose.rate", "strategy.income", "stock.price", "stock.benchmarkwin"
#   )
#   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
#   # plots ####
#   if (is.pic) {
#     # (2)绘图数据集
#     # 2.1 收益率 VS 基准收益率
#     if (plotlevel == "1day") {
#       if (length(strategy.type) == 2) {
#         temp.df1 <- data.frame(
#           trade.info[loc.day, c("stock.price", "stock.date", "strategy.b", "strategy.s")],
#           strategy.income = total.price[loc.day],
#           stock.benchmarkwin = stock.price.win[loc.day]
#         )
#       } else if (strategy.type == "buy") {
#         temp.df1 <- data.frame(
#           trade.info[loc.day, c("stock.price", "stock.date", "strategy.b")],
#           strategy.income = total.price[loc.day],
#           stock.benchmarkwin = stock.price.win[loc.day]
#         )
#       } else {
#         temp.df1 <- data.frame(
#           trade.info[loc.day, c("stock.price", "stock.date", "strategy.s")],
#           strategy.income = total.price[loc.day],
#           stock.benchmarkwin = stock.price.win[loc.day]
#         )
#       }
#     } else if (plotlevel == "1min" & strategy.level == "1min") {
#       if (length(strategy.type) == 2) {
#         temp.df1 <- data.frame(
#           trade.info[, c("stock.price", "stock.date", "stock.time", "strategy.b", "strategy.s")],
#           strategy.income = total.price,
#           stock.benchmarkwin = stock.price.win
#         )
#       } else if (strategy.type == "buy") {
#         temp.df1 <- data.frame(
#           trade.info[, c("stock.price", "stock.date", "stock.time", "strategy.b")],
#           strategy.income = total.price,
#           stock.benchmarkwin = stock.price.win
#         )
#       } else {
#         temp.df1 <- data.frame(
#           trade.info[, c("stock.price", "stock.date", "stock.time", "strategy.s")],
#           strategy.income = total.price,
#           stock.benchmarkwin = stock.price.win
#         )
#       }
#       temp.df1$id <- 1:nrow(temp.df1)
#       temp.df1.breaks <- round(seq(1, nrow(temp.df1), length.out = 5))
#     } else {
#       stop("wrong plot level!")
#     }
#     all.features$strprice.df <- temp.df1
#     # 2.2 指标表
#     feature.name <- c(
#       "Benchmark Return(%)", "Strategy Return(%)", "Benchmark Daily Return(%)",
#       "Strategy Daily Return(%)", "Benchmark Annual Return(%)",
#       "Strategy Annual Return(%)", "Average Buy Return(long)", "Average Sell Return(short)",
#       "Algorithm Volatility(%)", "Benchmark Volatility(%)", "Sharpe Ratio(%)",
#       "Information Ratio(%)", "Max Drawdown(%)", "Beta", "Alpha", "Win Rate(%)",
#       "Daily Win Rate(%)", "Win Loss Ratio(%)", "Correct Rate Long(%)", "Correct Rate Short(%)"
#     )
#     temp.df3 <- data.frame(
#       feature = feature.name,
#       value = round(c(
#         benchmark.return, strategy.return, benchmark.day.return,
#         strategy.day.return, benchmark.annual.return,
#         strategy.annual.return, mean.win.rate.b, mean.win.rate.s,
#         alg.vol, ben.vol, sharpe.ratio, info.ratio, max.drawdown,
#         beta / 100, alpha / 100, win.rate, win.day.rate, win.lose.rate,
#         acc.rate.b, acc.rate.s
#       ) * 100, 2),
#       col = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
#       id = length(feature.name):1,
#       stringsAsFactors = F
#     )
#     if (!is.simple) { # 简化显示输出
#       # 2.3 交易分布,汇总
#       if (length(strategy.type) == 1) {
#         # 交易分布
#         if (strategy.type == "sell") {
#           temp.xts4 <- xts(trade.info$strategy.s, trade.info$stock.date)
#         } else {
#           temp.xts4 <- xts(trade.info$strategy.b, trade.info$stock.date)
#         }
#         if (strategy.level == "60mins") {
#           temp.xts4.monthly <- apply.monthly(temp.xts4, function(x) {
#             buy <- length(x[x > 0])
#             hold <- length(x[x == 0])
#             sell <- -length(x[x < 0])
#             c(buy, hold, sell)
#           })
#           temp.df4 <- as.data.frame(temp.xts4.monthly)
#           names(temp.df4) <- c("buy", "hold", "sell")
#           temp.df4$date <- substr(time(temp.xts4.monthly), 1, 7)
#         } else if (strategy.level == "1min") {
#           temp.xts4.daily <- apply.daily(temp.xts4, function(x) {
#             buy <- length(x[x > 0])
#             hold <- length(x[x == 0])
#             sell <- -length(x[x < 0])
#             c(buy, hold, sell)
#           })
#           temp.df4 <- as.data.frame(temp.xts4.daily)
#           names(temp.df4) <- c("buy", "hold", "sell")
#           temp.df4$date <- time(temp.xts4.daily)
#         } else if (strategy.level == "1day") {
#           temp.xts4.daily <- apply.daily(temp.xts4, function(x) {
#             buy <- length(x[x > 0])
#             hold <- length(x[x == 0])
#             sell <- -length(x[x < 0])
#             c(buy, hold, sell)
#           })
#           temp.df4 <- as.data.frame(temp.xts4.daily)
#           names(temp.df4) <- c("buy", "hold", "sell")
#           temp.df4$date <- time(temp.xts4.daily)
#         }
#         temp.df4.long <- melt(temp.df4[, c("date", "buy", "sell")], id = "date")
#         # 交易次数
#         temp.df5 <- temp.df4 %>% transform(., sell = -sell)
#         temp.df5.long <- melt(temp.df5, id = "date")
#         temp.df5.short <- ddply(temp.df5.long, .(variable), function(x) {
#           sum(x$value)
#         })
#       } else {
#         # 交易分布
#         temp.xts4 <- xts(trade.info[, c("strategy.b", "strategy.s")], trade.info$stock.date)
#         if (strategy.level == "60mins") {
#           temp.xts4.monthly <- apply.monthly(temp.xts4, function(x) {
#             b <- x[, 1]
#             s <- x[, 2]
#             buy.b <- length(b[b > 0])
#             hold.b <- length(b[b == 0])
#             sell.b <- -length(b[b < 0])
#             buy.s <- length(s[s > 0])
#             hold.s <- length(s[s == 0])
#             sell.s <- -length(s[s < 0])
#             c(buy.b, hold.b, sell.b, buy.s, hold.s, sell.s)
#           })
#           temp.df4 <- as.data.frame(temp.xts4.monthly)
#           names(temp.df4) <- c("buy.b", "hold.b", "sell.b", "buy.s", "hold.s", "sell.s")
#           temp.df4$date <- substr(time(temp.xts4.monthly), 1, 7)
#         } else if (strategy.level == "1min") {
#           temp.xts4.daily <- apply.daily(temp.xts4, function(x) {
#             b <- x[, 1]
#             s <- x[, 2]
#             buy.b <- length(b[b > 0])
#             hold.b <- length(b[b == 0])
#             sell.b <- -length(b[b < 0])
#             buy.s <- length(s[s > 0])
#             hold.s <- length(s[s == 0])
#             sell.s <- -length(s[s < 0])
#             c(buy.b, hold.b, sell.b, buy.s, hold.s, sell.s)
#           })
#           temp.df4 <- as.data.frame(temp.xts4.daily)
#           names(temp.df4) <- c("buy.b", "hold.b", "sell.b", "buy.s", "hold.s", "sell.s")
#           temp.df4$date <- time(temp.xts4.daily)
#         } else if (strategy.level == "1day") {
#           temp.xts4.daily <- apply.daily(temp.xts4, function(x) {
#             b <- x[, 1]
#             s <- x[, 2]
#             buy.b <- length(b[b > 0])
#             hold.b <- length(b[b == 0])
#             sell.b <- -length(b[b < 0])
#             buy.s <- length(s[s > 0])
#             hold.s <- length(s[s == 0])
#             sell.s <- -length(s[s < 0])
#             c(buy.b, hold.b, sell.b, buy.s, hold.s, sell.s)
#           })
#           temp.df4 <- as.data.frame(temp.xts4.daily)
#           names(temp.df4) <- c("buy.b", "hold.b", "sell.b", "buy.s", "hold.s", "sell.s")
#           temp.df4$date <- time(temp.xts4.daily)
#         }
#         temp.df4.long <- melt(temp.df4[, c("date", "buy.b", "sell.b", "buy.s", "sell.s")], id = "date")
#         temp.df4.long$class <- "sell"
#         temp.df4.long$class[which(temp.df4.long$variable %in% c("buy.b", "hold.b", "sell.b"))] <- "buy"
#         # 交易次数
#         temp.df5 <- temp.df4 %>% transform(., sell.b = -sell.b, sell.s = -sell.s)
#         temp.df5.long <- melt(temp.df5, id = "date")
#         temp.df5.short <- ddply(temp.df5.long, .(variable), function(x) {
#           sum(x$value)
#         })
#         temp.df5.short$class <- "buy"
#         temp.df5.short$class[which(temp.df5.short$variable %in% c("buy.s", "hold.s", "sell.s"))] <- "sell"
#         temp.df5.short$state <- c("buy", "hold", "sell", "buy", "hold", "sell")
#       }
#       # 2.4 收益率数据
#       if (length(strategy.type) > 1) {
#         temp.df6.s <- data.frame(
#           total.price.rate = win.rate.s$pertrade.winrate, # 每笔交易收益率
#           stock.time = trade.info$stock.time[which(strategy.s == -1)], # 交易完成时间
#           class = "c.short", rate = tax.rate,
#           stringsAsFactors = F
#         )
#         temp.df6.b <- data.frame(
#           total.price.rate = win.rate.b$pertrade.winrate,
#           stock.time = trade.info$stock.time[which(strategy.b == -1)],
#           class = "b.long", rate = tax.rate,
#           stringsAsFactors = F
#         )
#         temp.df6.temp <- full_join(
#           temp.df6.s[, c("stock.time", "total.price.rate")],
#           temp.df6.b[, c("stock.time", "total.price.rate")],
#           by = "stock.time"
#         )
#         temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.x[is.na(temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.x)] <- 0
#         temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.y[is.na(temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.y)] <- 0
#         temp.rate <- temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.x + temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.y
#         temp.df6.temp$rate <- tax.rate
#         temp.df6.temp$rate[
#           ((temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.x != 0) + (temp.df6.temp$total.price.rate.y != 0)) == 2
#         ] <- tax.rate * 2
#         temp.df6.all <- data.frame(
#           stock.time = temp.df6.temp$stock.time,
#           total.price.rate = temp.rate,
#           class = "a.both",
#           rate = temp.df6.temp$rate,
#           stringsAsFactors = F
#         )
#         temp.df6 <- bind_rows(temp.df6.all, temp.df6.b, temp.df6.s)
#       } else if (strategy.type == "buy") {
#         temp.df6 <- data.frame(
#           total.price.rate = win.rate.b$pertrade.winrate,
#           stock.time = trade.info$stock.time[which(strategy.b == -1)],
#           class = "b.buy",
#           rate = tax.rate,
#           stringsAsFactors = F
#         )
#       } else {
#         temp.df6 <- data.frame(
#           total.price.rate = win.rate.s$pertrade.winrate,
#           stock.time = trade.info$stock.time[which(strategy.s == -1)],
#           class = "c.short",
#           rate = tax.rate,
#           stringsAsFactors = F
#         )
#       }
#       # 收益率统计
#       temp.df6.rate <- ddply(temp.df6, .(class), function(x) {
#         up <- sum(x$total.price.rate > tax.rate) / nrow(x)
#         down <- sum(x$total.price.rate < -tax.rate) / nrow(x)
#         yup <- max(x$total.price.rate) / 2
#         ydown <- min(x$total.price.rate) / 2
#         temp <- data.frame(
#           value = paste(round(c(up, down) * 100, 1), "%", sep = ""),
#           y = c(yup, ydown)
#         )
#       })
#       temp.df6.rate$time <- min(temp.df6$stock.time)
#     }
#     # (3)绘图模块
#     # 3.1 绘图主题
#     theme1 <- theme(
#       legend.position = "none",
#       panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "grey40"),
#       panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey20", linetype = "dashed"),
#       panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey10", linetype = "dashed"),
#       axis.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 10, colour = "orange"),
#       plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "black", size = 2),
#       plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "gold", hjust = .5)
#     )
#     theme2 <- theme(
#       legend.position = "none",
#       panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "grey20"),
#       panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
#       panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
#       strip.background = element_rect(fill = "darkmagenta", colour = "black"),
#       strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 10, colour = "gold"),
#       legend.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "black"),
#       legend.text = element_text(colour = "gold"),
#       axis.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "orange"),
#       plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "black", size = 2),
#       plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "gold", hjust = .5)
#     )
#     theme3 <- theme(
#       legend.position = "none",
#       panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "grey70"),
#       panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "grey10", linetype = "dashed"),
#       panel.grid.minor.x = element_line(colour = "grey10", linetype = "dashed"),
#       axis.line.y = element_line(colour = "black", linetype = "dotted"),
#       axis.ticks.y = element_line(colour = "white"),
#       panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "grey10", linetype = "dashed"),
#       panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(colour = "grey40", linetype = "dashed"),
#       axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "orange"),
#       axis.text.x.top = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "red"),
#       axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "orange"),
#       axis.text.y.right = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "red"),
#       plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "black", size = 2),
#       plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12, colour = "gold", hjust = .5)
#     )
#     # 3.2 绘图
#     if (plotlevel == "1day") { # a.基准收益率
#       pic1 <- ggplot(temp.df1) +
#         geom_hline(yintercept = cash, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#         theme1 +
#         geom_line(aes(x = stock.date, y = strategy.income), col = "gold") +
#         geom_line(aes(x = stock.date, y = stock.benchmarkwin), col = "red") +
#         ggtitle("strategy-return(yellow) vs benchmarket-return(red)")
#       pic2 <- ggplot(temp.df1) + # b.回撤
#         geom_hline(yintercept = cash, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#         theme1 +
#         geom_line(aes(x = stock.date, y = strategy.income), col = "gold") +
#         geom_point(
#           data = temp.df1[max.drawdown.loc, ],
#           aes(x = stock.date, y = strategy.income), col = "lemonchiffon", size = 2
#         ) +
#         geom_line(
#           data = temp.df1[max.drawdown.loc, ],
#           aes(x = stock.date, y = strategy.income), col = "greenyellow", size = 1
#         ) +
#         ggtitle(paste("Strategy return : max drawdown: ", round(max.drawdown * 100, 2), "%", sep = ""))
#       pic4 <- ggplot(temp.df1) + # c.超额收益
#         geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = stock.date, y = strategy.income - stock.benchmarkwin), col = "magenta") +
#         theme1 +
#         ggtitle("Excess Return")
#     } else if (plotlevel == "1min") {
#       pic1 <- ggplot(temp.df1) +
#         geom_hline(yintercept = cash, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#         theme1 +
#         geom_line(aes(x = id, y = strategy.income), col = "gold", alpha = .8) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = id, y = stock.benchmarkwin), col = "red", alpha = .8) +
#         scale_x_continuous(
#           breaks = temp.df1.breaks,
#           labels = temp.df1$stock.date[temp.df1.breaks]
#         ) +
#         ggtitle("strategy-return(yellow) vs benchmarket-return(red)")
#       pic2 <- ggplot(temp.df1) + # b.回撤
#         geom_hline(yintercept = cash, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#         theme1 +
#         geom_line(aes(x = id, y = strategy.income), col = "gold") +
#         geom_point(
#           data = temp.df1[max.drawdown.loc, ],
#           aes(x = id, y = strategy.income),
#           col = "lemonchiffon", size = 2
#         ) +
#         geom_line(
#           data = temp.df1[max.drawdown.loc, ],
#           aes(x = id, y = strategy.income),
#           col = "greenyellow", size = 1
#         ) +
#         scale_x_continuous(
#           breaks = temp.df1.breaks,
#           labels = temp.df1$stock.date[temp.df1.breaks]
#         ) +
#         ggtitle(
#           paste("Strategy return : max drawdown: ",
#             round(max.drawdown * 100, 2), "%",
#             sep = ""
#           )
#         )
#       pic4 <- ggplot(temp.df1) + # c.超额收益
#         geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = id, y = strategy.income - stock.benchmarkwin), col = "magenta") +
#         theme1 +
#         scale_x_continuous(
#           breaks = temp.df1.breaks,
#           labels = temp.df1$stock.date[temp.df1.breaks]
#         ) +
#         ggtitle("Excess Return")
#     }
#     pic3 <- ggplot(temp.df3) + # d.指数表
#       geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "white") +
#       geom_vline(xintercept = nrow(temp.df3) - 7.5, col = "white") +
#       geom_vline(xintercept = nrow(temp.df3) - 12.5, col = "white") +
#       theme3 +
#       geom_vline(xintercept = nrow(temp.df3) - 14.5, col = "white") +
#       theme3 +
#       geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(x = id, y = value, fill = factor(col)), width = .25) +
#       geom_point(aes(x = id, y = value, col = factor(col)), size = 6) +
#       scale_fill_manual(values = c("1" = "red", "2" = "gold", "3" = "royalblue3")) +
#       scale_x_continuous(
#         position = "bottom", expand = c(0.025, 0), breaks = nrow(temp.df3):1,
#         labels = temp.df3$feature,
#         sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = "", breaks = nrow(temp.df3):1, labels = temp.df3$value)
#       ) +
#       ggtitle(paste("Stock Code:", trade.info$wind_code[1])) +
#       coord_flip()
#     if (!is.simple) {
#       if (length(strategy.type) == 1) { # e.交易分布
#         pic5 <- ggplot(temp.df4.long) +
#           geom_bar(
#             aes(x = date, y = value, fill = variable),
#             width = .8, stat = "identity",
#             position = "dodge"
#           ) +
#           geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#           theme2 +
#           scale_fill_manual(values = c("sell" = "royalblue3", "buy" = "red"))
#         if (strategy.type == "buy") pic5 <- pic5 + ggtitle("Trade distribution of long position")
#         if (strategy.type == "sell") pic5 <- pic5 + ggtitle("Trade distribution of short position")
#       } else {
#         pic5 <- ggplot(temp.df4.long) +
#           facet_wrap(~class, nrow = 2, strip.position = "left") +
#           geom_bar(aes(x = date, y = value, fill = variable),
#             width = .8, stat = "identity",
#             position = "dodge"
#           ) +
#           geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "orange", size = .5) +
#           theme2 +
#           scale_fill_manual(
#             values = c(
#               "sell.b" = "royalblue3", "buy.b" = "red",
#               "sell.s" = "royalblue1", "buy.s" = "orangered"
#             )
#           )
#       }
#       if (length(strategy.type) == 1) { # f.交易次数
#         pic6 <- ggplot(temp.df5.short) +
#           geom_bar(aes(x = reorder(variable, V1), y = V1, fill = reorder(variable, V1)),
#             stat = "identity", width = .8
#           ) +
#           geom_text(aes(x = reorder(variable, V1), y = max(V1) / 2, label = V1),
#             col = "orange", size = 8
#           ) +
#           theme2 +
#           scale_fill_manual(
#             name = NULL,
#             values = c("buy" = "red", "hold" = "mediumblue", "sell" = "royalblue3")
#           )
#         if (strategy.type == "buy") pic6 <- pic6 + ggtitle("Trade num of long position")
#         if (strategy.type == "sell") pic6 <- pic6 + ggtitle("Trade num of short position")
#       } else {
#         pic6 <- ggplot(temp.df5.short) +
#           facet_wrap(~class, ncol = 1, strip.position = "left") +
#           geom_bar(aes(x = reorder(state, V1), y = V1, fill = reorder(state, V1)),
#             stat = "identity", width = .8
#           ) +
#           geom_text(aes(x = reorder(state, V1), y = max(V1) / 2, label = V1),
#             col = "orange", size = 5
#           ) + theme2 +
#           scale_fill_manual(
#             name = NULL,
#             values = c("buy" = "red", "hold" = "mediumblue", "sell" = "royalblue3")
#           ) +
#           ggtitle("Trade Number")
#       }
#       pic7 <- ggplot(temp.df6) + # g.收益率分布
#         facet_wrap(~class, strip.position = "left", ncol = 1, scale = "free_y") +
#         geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "orange3", size = .5) +
#         geom_segment(
#           aes(x = stock.time, xend = stock.time, yend = 0, y = total.price.rate, col = class),
#           alpha = .5
#         ) +
#         geom_point(aes(x = stock.time, y = total.price.rate, col = class),
#           size = .5
#         ) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = stock.time, y = rate), col = "orange", linetype = "dashed") +
#         geom_line(aes(x = stock.time, y = -rate), col = "orange", linetype = "dashed") +
#         geom_text(
#           data = temp.df6.rate,
#           aes(x = time, y = y, label = value), size = 4, col = "orange"
#         ) +
#         theme2 +
#         scale_color_manual(
#           values = c(
#             "a.both" = "greenyellow", "b.long" = "orangered",
#             "c.short" = "royalblue1"
#           )
#         )
#     }
#     pic0 <- ggplot() + theme1
#     if (is.simple) {
#       if (is.pic.whole) {
#         lay <- rbind(
#           c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
#           c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
#           c(1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4)
#         )
#         pic <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
#           pic3, pic1, pic4, pic2,
#           ncol = 2, layout_matrix = lay
#         )
#       } else {
#         pic <- list("pic1" = pic1, "pic2" = pic2, "pic3" = pic3, "pic4" = pic4)
#       }
#     } else {
#       if (is.pic.whole) {
#         lay <- rbind(
#           c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
#           c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
#           c(1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3),
#           c(5, 5, 5, 6, 4, 4),
#           c(5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7)
#         ) # h.组合绘图
#         pic <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
#           pic3, pic1, pic4, pic2, pic7, pic6, pic5,
#           ncol = 2,
#           layout_matrix = lay
#         )
#       } else {
#         pic <- list(
#           "pic1" = pic1, "pic2" = pic2, "pic3" = pic3, "pic4" = pic4,
#           "pic5" = pic5, "pic6" = pic6, "pic7" = pic7
#         )
#       }
#     }
#     # pic <- grid.arrange(pic3, pic1, pic4, pic2, pic7, pic6, pic5, ncol = 2,layout_matrix = lay)
#     # pic <- arrangeGrob(pic3, pic1, pic2, pic4, pic5, pic6, ncol = 2,layout_matrix = lay)
#     # print(pic)
#   } else {
#     pic <- NULL
#   }
#   # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
#   all.features$pic <- pic
#   return(all.features)
# }
purplezippo/quantler documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:27 p.m.