
#' @title test data
#' @description Various Cameca and SHRIMP datasets
#' @name test-data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @rdname test-data
#' @rdname test-data
#' @rdname test-data
#' @rdname test-data

#' simplex: a SIMS data reduction package
#' \code{simplex} is a data reduction package for Secondary Ion Mass
#' Spectrometry (SIMS), with functionality for both stable isotope
#' geochemistry and U-(Th)-Pb geochronology. The package accommodates
#' data from both Cameca and SHRIMP instruments. All mathematical
#' operations take place in logratio space (aka the simplex) to ensure
#' positivity and keep track of correlated uncertainties.
#' A list of documented functions may be viewed by typing
#' \code{help(package='simplex')}.  Source code and further
#' instructions are provided at
#' \url{https://github.com/pvermees/simplex/}.
#' @name simplex
#' @docType package
#' @aliases simplex-package
#> [1] "_PACKAGE"
pvermees/simplex documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 12:40 p.m.