tdfGetTmmPerMonth: Extend transferred daily milk with cow index

Usage Arguments

View source: R/data_prepare.R


tdfGetTmmPerMonth(pdfResult, psMonth)



original data.frame containing all data transferred from database


Month (formatted as

tdfTmmPerMonth tbl_df containing resulting milk records from month psMonth Daily milk yield is transferred from the database as a dataframe. The data frame has basically daily milk yields (TMM) for each cows over a period of months. The result of the function tdfGetTmmPerMonth is a tbl_dfdplyr of all milk records for the given month psMonth for all cows. The resulting tbl_df has an additional column with the name ATMM_KUH_IDX. This column has indices that represent the identities of the cow. This index is only used for plotting to have more readable axis labels.

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