knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, results = 'asis')
r6objDocStat <- rmddochelper::R6ClassDocuStatus$new()
r6objDocStat$set_current_status(psVersion = "0.0.901",
                                psStatus = "Initialisation",  
                                psDate = "2016-07-21", 
                                psProject = "rqudocfmt")
r6objDocStat$set_current_status(psVersion = "0.0.902",
                                psStatus = "New formats, new creation functions",  
                                psProject = "rqudocfmt")
r6objDocStat$include_doc_stat(psTitle = "## Dokumentenstatus")
r6ob_abbrtable <- rmddochelper::R6ClassTableAbbrev$new()
### # include table of abbreviations only, if there are any
if (!r6ob_abbrtable$is_empty_abbr())
  r6ob_abbrtable$include_abbr_table(psAbbrTitle = "## Abbreviations")


This document describes the content of the R-package rqudocfmt


RStudio together with rmarkdown, knitr and pandoc are great tools to create documents. The property of using templates extensively helps to create documents in many different ways. The package rmarkdown has built-in functionality to on the one hand use existing templates and on the other hand define new templates that can be used for creating new documents. For more details, please have a look at and

Functionality and format separation

Some specialized formats that are specific for a project or a company should not be placed in a general purpose package which provides functionality for managing documents. Hence those specialized formats are better placed in a separate package which contains the specialized formats and some wrapper functionality to create documents based on the specialized formats.

This package rqudocfmt

This package contains all formats that are used at Qualitas AG. Those formats were originally designed as some MS-Office templates. Before being able to use the formats in this package they have to be converted to rmarkdown. This conversion has to be done mostly manually, because conversion of MS-Office templates to markdown format is up to now and according to my knowledge not something that can easily be automated.

Example formats

Qualitas AG has recently moved to a new CI (Corporate Identity) in the area of documentation. The new templates have been converted to the markdown format and are available under the template name qualitas_project_ph_spez_{de,en}. An example of a document based on this template is shown below.

rmddochelper::insertOdgAsPdf(psOdgFileStem = "QuProPhSpez")

Older formats such as project_docu are still available, but are to be regarded as deprecated.


In order to be able to optimally use the templates in this package rqudocfmt, this package must be installed in one of the directories that are accessible via the R-library path. As a result of having rqudocfmt installed, RStudio also lists the formats when creating a new R Markdown document under From Template.

Creation function

Creating a new document with a specific format can be done by invoking the generic creation function from package rmddochelper. For more convenience, we provide a wrapper in this package which is specific for the templates that are provided by this package.


pvrqualitasag/rqudocfmt documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:34 a.m.