Man pages for pvrqualitasag/rvcetools
Post-Processing Of Variance Components Results

build_matrixConvert Variance-Covariance Stored in Tibble to a List of...
build_vce_mat_reportBuild a matrix with VCE results for a report
check_transform_positivedefinitBending of a List of Matrices for Different Random Effects
cor_to_covConversion of Correlation Matrix and Vector of Variances to...
cov_to_corConversion of covariances to correlations
create_parameter_varCovar_mix99Build Parameter with Variances and Covariances for Mix99
get_rvce_loggerCreate log4r Logger for package
makePD2Bending of Matrix A
make_pd_rat_evBending Matrix A Based On Ratio Of Eigenvalues
make_pd_weightWeighted Bending of a Matrix
parameter_varCovar_mix99Parameter File for Mix99
plot_gencorrCreate Plot to Overview VCE results for genetic correlation
plot_h2Create Plot to Overview VCE results for heritability
plot_varCreate Plot to Overview VCE results for variances
rcpp_hello_worldSimple function using Rcpp
read_vceReading VCE Results From CSV File
read_vce4graficsReading VCE results for graphics
rvce_log_debugWrapper for log4r debug
rvce_log_errorWrapper for log4r error
rvce_log_fatalWrapper for log4r fatal
rvce_log_infoWrapper for log4r info
rvce_log_levelWrapper to set the level of a logger
rvce_log_warnWrapper for log4r warn
rvcetools-packageA short title line describing what the package does
solving_errorFromMiX99_VCnotPDSolving Message "VC matrix non positive definite" from MiX99
pvrqualitasag/rvcetools documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 2:09 p.m.