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An R implementation of Group Method of Data Handling [1] inspired by [2]. The method can be used for solving regression tasks with numeric input and output variables by creating a high order polynomial.


You can install the package directly from github using devtools:



You can solve regression tasks as follows:

x <- cbind(runif(100), runif(100))
y <- 1 + x[,1]^2 + x[,1]*x[,2]

# Train the model
m <- rGMDH::train(x,y)

# Predict values
yh <- predict(m, x)

# Plot predictions vs actual values
plot(yh, y)


  1. Ivakhnenko A. G., 1968. The Group Method of Data Handling-A rival of the Method of Stochastic Approximation. Soviet Automatic Control, vol 13 c/c of avtomatika, 1, 3, 43-55.
  2. Farlow, Stanley J. "The GMDH algorithm of Ivakhnenko." The American Statistician 35.4 (1981): 210-215.

pzawistowski/rGMDH documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:35 a.m.