CRAN comments for qoma.smuggler

Resubmission 2

CRAN team -

This is a second resubmission of a new package, responding to feedback from Swetlana Herbrandt on resubmission 1 below.

Thank you for reviewing my submission!



Resubmission 1

CRAN team -

This is a first resubmission of a new package, responding to feedback from Swetlana Herbrandt on intial submission below.

Thank you for reviewing my submission!



Initial submission notes

This is a new package that moves data and analytic commands between R and FAME, a commercial time series analysis environment. qoma.smuggler uses the lower level CRAN package rhli.

For useful operation, FAME is required. R Markdown PDF output generated on a system with FAME is available on GitHub .

Test environments

R CMD check results

0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes

Downstream dependencies

There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.

qomaio/r-smuggler documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:32 p.m.