knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library(here) library(tidyverse) library(glue) library(ggsci) library(patchwork) source(here("R", "plot_utils.R")) library(gridExtra) library(ggpubr) library(ggbeeswarm) theme_set(theme_nice())
Support link here
condition <- "crc" sequencing <- "16s" files <- list.files(here("output", "pred"), pattern = "results", full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE) df_list <- map(files, ~read_csv(.x) %>% dplyr::select(-1) %>% mutate(sequencing = as.character(sequencing))) plot_df <-, df_list) %>% mutate(sequencing = if_else(sequencing == "16", "16s", sequencing)) %>% pivot_longer(c(brier, roc_auc), names_to = "statistic", values_to = "values") %>% mutate(input_type = recode(input_type, "picrust2" = "PICRUSt2", "trait" = "CBEA trait scores", "pathways" = "MetaCyc pathway abundance"), statistic = recode(statistic, "brier" = "Brier Score", "roc_auc" = "AUROC"), condition = recode(condition, "crc" = "Colorectal Cancer", "ibd" = "Inflammatory Bowel Disease")) ( metabar_plt <- plot_df %>% filter(sequencing == "16s") %>% ggplot(aes(x = input_type, y = values, col = input_type, fill = input_type)) + facet_grid(statistic~condition, scales = "free") + scale_fill_npg() + geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5) + geom_jitter() + labs(x = "Input types", y = "Performance", title = "16S rRNA gene metabarcoding") + theme(legend.position = "None") ) ( wgs_plt <- plot_df %>% filter(sequencing == "wgs") %>% ggplot(aes(x = input_type, y = values, col = input_type, fill = input_type)) + facet_grid(statistic~condition, scales = "free") + scale_fill_npg() + geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5) + geom_jitter() + labs(x = "Input types", y = "Performance", title = "Whole genome metagenomics") + theme(legend.position = "None") ) combo_plot <- metabar_plt / wgs_plt ggsave(combo_plot, filename = here("output", "figures", "pred_performance.png"), dpi = 300, width = 8, height = 8) ggsave(combo_plot, filename = here("output", "figures", "pred_performance.eps"), dpi = 300, width = 8, height = 8, device = cairo_ps)
annotation <- read_delim(file = "", delim = "\t", col_names = FALSE) colnames(annotation) <- c("pathway", "annotation")
imp_files <- list.files(here("output", "pred"), pattern = "fimportance", full.names = TRUE) imp_metadata <- str_split(imp_files, "\\/") %>% map_dfr(~{ d_vec <- .x[length(.x)] %>% str_remove("fimportance_") %>% str_remove(".csv") %>% str_split("_") %>% .[[1]] %>% recode( "ibd" = "Inflammatory bowel disease", "crc" = "Colorectal cancer", "picrust2" = "PICRUSt2 predicted abundances", "16s" = "16s rRNA metabarcoding", "wgs" = "Whole genome metagenomics", "trait" = "CBEA trait scores", "pathways" = "Pathway abundances" ) tibble( condition = d_vec[1], seq = d_vec[2], input = d_vec[3] ) }) plot_imp_df <- imp_metadata %>% mutate(path = imp_files) %>% mutate(data = map(path, ~{ imp_df <- read_csv(.x) imp_df <- imp_df %>% select(-1) %>% select(-performance) %>% pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "pathway") %>% left_join(annotation) %>% mutate(full_name = paste(pathway, annotation, sep = "-")) %>% mutate(full_name = str_remove_all(full_name, "-NA")) %>% group_by(full_name) #%>% #summarise(m = mean(value), # se = sd(value)/sqrt(n())) %>% #arrange(-m) %>% #mutate(u = m + se, l = m - se) #mutate(m = mean(value)) })) %>% mutate(performance = map_chr(path, ~{ imp_df <- read_csv(.x) imp_df %>% pull(performance) %>% unique() })) %>% unnest(data) %>% dplyr::rename("features" = "full_name") %>% mutate(features = str_replace(features, ";", "; ") %>% str_replace_all("_", " ")) wgs_imp <- plot_imp_df %>% filter(seq == "Whole genome metagenomics") plot_grid <- cross_df(list( ipt = c("CBEA trait scores", "Pathway abundances"), cond = c("Inflammatory bowel disease", "Colorectal cancer") )) plot_list <- pmap(plot_grid, function(ipt, cond, ...){ pltdf <- wgs_imp %>% filter(condition == {{ cond }}, input == {{ ipt }}) perf <- pltdf %>% pull(performance) %>% unique() %>% as.numeric() feat_levels <- pltdf %>% group_by(features) %>% summarise(m = mean(value)) %>% arrange(m) %>% slice(1:10) %>% pull(features) pltdf <- pltdf %>% filter(features %in% feat_levels) %>% group_by(features) %>% summarise(m = mean(value)) %>% mutate(features = factor(str_wrap(features, width = 30), levels = str_wrap(feat_levels, width = 30))) print(pltdf) out <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(x = features, y = m)) + #geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = l, ymax = u)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = pal_npg()(1)) + coord_flip() + labs(y = "Feature Importance (10-fold cross validation)", x = "Features", title = glue("{cond}", cond = cond, ipt = ipt), caption = glue("Test set AUROC: {perf}", perf = round(perf, digits = 2)), subtitle = glue("{ipt}", ipt = ipt)) + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_blank()) return(out) }) gt <- patchwork::patchworkGrob(Reduce("+", plot_list)) x_axis <- text_grob("Features", family = "Source Sans Pro", face = "bold",rot = 90) y_axis <- text_grob("Feature importance (10-fold cross-validation)", family = "Source Sans Pro", face = "bold") feat_importance_wgs <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(gt, left = x_axis, bottom = y_axis) ggsave(feat_importance_wgs, filename = here("output", "figures", "feat_importance_wgs.png"), width = 10, height = 11) ggsave(feat_importance_wgs, filename = here("output", "figures", "feat_importance_wgs.eps"), width = 10, height = 11, device = cairo_ps)
metabar_imp <- plot_imp_df %>% filter(seq == "16s rRNA metabarcoding") plot_grid <- cross_df(list( ipt = c("CBEA trait scores", "PICRUSt2 predicted abundances"), cond = c("Inflammatory bowel disease", "Colorectal cancer") )) plots_list <- pmap(plot_grid, function(ipt, cond, ...){ pltdf <- metabar_imp %>% filter(condition == {{ cond }}, input == {{ ipt }}) perf <- pltdf %>% pull(performance) %>% unique() %>% as.numeric() feat_levels <- pltdf %>% group_by(features) %>% summarise(m = mean(value)) %>% arrange(m) %>% slice(1:10) %>% pull(features) pltdf <- pltdf %>% filter(features %in% feat_levels) %>% group_by(features) %>% summarise(m = mean(value)) %>% mutate(features = factor(str_wrap(features, width = 30), levels = str_wrap(feat_levels, width = 30))) out <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(x = features, y = m)) + #geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = l, ymax = u)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = pal_npg()(1)) + coord_flip() + labs(y = "Feature importance (10-fold cross-validation)", x = "Features", title = glue("{cond}", cond = cond, ipt = ipt), caption = glue("Test set AUROC: {perf}", perf = round(perf, digits = 2)), subtitle = glue("{ipt}", ipt = ipt)) + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = element_blank()) return(out) }) gt <- patchwork::patchworkGrob(Reduce("+", plots_list)) x_axis <- text_grob("Features", family = "Source Sans Pro", face = "bold",rot = 90) y_axis <- text_grob("Feature importance (10-fold cross-validation)", family = "Source Sans Pro", face = "bold") feat_importance_16s <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(gt, left = x_axis, bottom = y_axis) ggsave(feat_importance_16s, filename = here("output", "figures", "feat_importance_16s.png"), width = 10, height = 11) ggsave(feat_importance_16s, filename = here("output", "figures", "feat_importance_16s.eps"), width = 10, height = 11, device = cairo_ps)
if (["sysname"] == "Darwin"){ path_to <- "../../microbe_trait_manuscript/figures/" } file.copy(Sys.glob(here("output", "figures", "*.eps")), to = path_to, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE) file.copy(Sys.glob(here("output", "figures", "*.png")), to = path_to, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
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