Man pages for quanteda/quanteda.corpora
A collection of corpora for quanteda

data_corpus_amicusAmicus curiae briefs from Bakke (1978) and Bollinger (2008)
data_corpus_immigrationnewsUK news articles (2,833) from 2014 that mention immigration
data_corpus_irishbudgetsAnnual budget speeches from the Dáil Éireann, 2008-2012
data_corpus_sotuU.S. State of the Union addresses from 1790 to present
data_corpus_udhrUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
data_corpus_ukmanifestosUK political party manifestos, 1945-2005
data_corpus_ungd2017UN General Debate speeches, 2017
downloadDownload an RDS file from online locations
quanteda.corpora-packageAn R package containing texts and corpora for quanteda.
quanteda/quanteda.corpora documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 12:45 a.m.