Man pages for quanteda/quanteda.sentiment
Sentiment Analysis using 'quanteda'

data_dictionary_AFINNNielsen's (2011) 'new ANEW' valenced word list
data_dictionary_ANEWAffective Norms for English Words (ANEW)
data_dictionary_geninqposnegAugmented General Inquirer _Positiv_ and _Negativ_ dictionary
data_dictionary_HuLiuPositive and negative words from Hu and Liu (2004)
data_dictionary_LoughranMcDonaldLoughran and McDonald Sentiment Word Lists
data_dictionary_LSD2015Lexicoder Sentiment Dictionary (2015)
data_dictionary_NRCNRC Word-Emotion Association Lexicon
data_dictionary_RauhRauh's German Political Sentiment Dictionary
data_dictionary_sentiwsSentimentWortschatz (SentiWS)
get_polarity_dictionaryGet a standard polarity dictionary for sentiment analysis
polaritySet or get the sentiment polarity of a dictionary
quanteda.sentiment-packagequanteda.sentiment: Sentiment Analysis using 'quanteda'
sentiment-functionsSentiment functions
textstat_polarityCompute sentiment from key polarities
textstat_valenceCompute sentiment from word valences
valenceSet or get the valences of dictionary values or keys
quanteda/quanteda.sentiment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:42 a.m.