data_dictionary_ANEW: Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW)

data_dictionary_ANEWR Documentation

Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW)


A quanteda dictionary object containing the ANEW, or Affective Norms for English Words (Bradley and Lang 2017) valenced lexicon. The ANEW provides a lexicon of 2,471 distinct fixed word matches that are associated with three valenced categories: pleasure, arousal, and dominance.




A dictionary with three valenced keys: pleasure, arousal, and dominance, each with valences from 1 to 9 and containing the same 2,471 fixed word values.


ANEW Statement of Use

In accepting the ANEW materials, I agree not to make the ANEW available to the media (television, magazines, etc.) or to place them on any internet or computer-accessible websites. I also agree not to publish the ANEW in any print format – including JOURNALS, newspapers, etc. I also agree that I will not provide the ANEW materials to profit making companies or organizations and I agree not to distribute my username and password to unauthorized parties.

quanteda/quanteda.sentiment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:42 a.m.