Test classic tokens v. hashed tokens

To test the performance of dfm construction using tokens versus classic tokenized methods.

require(quanteda, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
data(SOTUCorpus, package = "quantedaData")
toks <- tokenize(SOTUCorpus)
toksh <- tokens(SOTUCorpus)

When already tokenized:

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(hashed = dfm(toksh, verbose = FALSE), 
                               classic = dfm(toks, verbose = FALSE), 
                               times = 20, unit = "relative")

Combining tokenization (as with dfm() on a character or corpus):

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(hashed = dfm(tokens(SOTUCorpus), verbose = FALSE), 
                               classic = dfm(tokenize(SOTUCorpus), verbose = FALSE), 
                               times = 20, unit = "relative")

Test i, j, x sparseMatrix v. i, p, x

Not much difference - but the ipx() could be taking longer because of the transpose operation.

ijx <- function(x) {
    # index documents
    nTokens <- lengths(x)
    i <- rep(seq_along(nTokens), nTokens)
    # index features
    allFeatures <- unlist(x)
    uniqueFeatures <- unique(allFeatures)
    j <- match(allFeatures, uniqueFeatures)

    new("dfm", Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = 1L, 
                                  dimnames = list(docs = names(x), 
                                                  features = uniqueFeatures)))

ipx <- function(x) {  
    # index documents
    p <- cumsum(c(1, ntoken(x))) - 1
    # index features
    allFeatures <- unlist(x)
    uniqueFeatures <- unique(allFeatures)
    i <- match(allFeatures, uniqueFeatures)

    new("dfm", t(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i, p = p, x = 1L, 
                                            dimnames = list(features = uniqueFeatures, 
                                                            docs = names(x)))))

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(ijx(toks), ipx(toks), 
                               times = 50, unit = "relative")

quanteda/quanteda documentation built on April 15, 2024, 7:59 a.m.