Man pages for quanteda/stopwords
Multilingual Stopword Lists

data_stopwords_ancientstopword lists for ancient languages
data_stopwords_marimostopword lists including parts-of-speech
data_stopwords_miscmiscellaneous stopword lists
data_stopwords_nltkstopword lists from the Python NLTK library
data_stopwords_perseusstopword lists for ancient languages - Perseus Digital...
data_stopwords_smartstopword lists from the SMART system
data_stopwords_snowballsnowball stopword list
data_stopwords_stopwordsisomultilingual stopwords from...
lookup_iso_639_1return ISO-639-1 code for a given language name
stopwordsCollection of stopwords in multiple languages
stopwords_getlanguageslist available stopwords country codes
stopwords_getsourceslist available stopwords sources
stopwords_optionsset package options for stopwords
stopwords-packagestopwords: one-stop shopping for stopwords in R
quanteda/stopwords documentation built on Jan. 13, 2022, 1:36 a.m.