
create analysis directory

create rmd in that directory

use bookdown to get cap/cross-refs

write a fn in R

document your function with roxygen

use the function in your rmd

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) #include=False doesnt work in pdf output?


just learning learning learning



fantastic shiny rubish function that doesnt work properly

plot(-1, xlim = c(0,5), ylim = c(0,5))
curve(5*x^3,add=T)    # Plot an equation as a curve

bibliographic citations example

reproducible research is important [@hillier1976space]

more than one author:[see these ones: @hillier1976space;@jammer1969concepts;@gregory1994geographical]

@gregory1994geographical is a very good paper...

Hillier build the whole concept of Space Syntax Theory [-@hillier1976space]

here is a footnote: ^[Text and things]


devtools::use_mit_license() Updating license field in DESCRIPTION. Creating LICENSE from template. devtools::use_testthat() Adding testthat to Suggests Creating tests/testthat. * Creating tests/testthat.R from template.

test has to be reviewed closely

quassinja/mytestpkg documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:15 a.m.