WHWO_burned: Apply HSI model for WHWO in burned forest.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References


With required inputs, this model applies a habitat suitability model for nesting White-headed Woodpeckers in burned forests of the Inland Northwest (Latif et al. In Prep).


WHWO_burned(brn_1ha, brn_1km)



numeric vector with length = number of observations/pixels. Values are mean percent (0-100) of 3x3 moving window neighborhood that is either severely burned (dNBR > 270) or open (pre-fire canopy cover < 10%).


numeric vector with length = number of observations/pixels. Values are mean percent (0-100) of a 1-km radius (~314 ha) moving window neighborhood that is either severely burned (dNBR > 270) or open (pre-fire canopy cover < 10%).


The model applied here is a Maxent model developed at two wildfire locations (Toolbox, 2002; Canyon Creek, 2015) and evaluated at these locations plus the Barry Point Fire (2012; Latif et al. In Prep).



This value is a linear function of inputs subsequently re-scaled to get various other outputs.


Maxent output rescaled to range 0-1 using a logit transformation. This is the output evaluated by Latif et al. (2015) and provided by ArcGIS application tools to inform forest planning.


Raw Maxent output recommended by Merow et al. (2013) and most closely related to local abundance or density.


Quresh S. Latif, Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service


Latif, Q. S., V. A. Saab, J. G. Dudley, and A. Markus. In Prep. Development and evaluation of habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpecker in burned forest.

Merow, C., M. J. Smith, and J. A. Silander. 2013. A practical guide to MaxEnt for modeling species' distributions: what it does, and why inputs and settings matter. Ecography 36:1058-1069.

qureshlatif/WoodpeckerHSI documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:51 a.m.