gris-package: gris: A flexible geometry data model for R.

Description Details Gris features I. Creation II. Plotting III. Manipulation IV. Conversion to other types V. Miscellaneous Gris topology


The gris package provides a relational table model for spatial vector data in R. Spatial vector data are topology-based discrete spatial units such as areas (including polygons), lines and points.


These kinds of data are defined in many different ways in various R packages, but the sp package has provided the most comprehensive and standard model to match the traditional GIS layer forms.

Gris features

I. Creation

gris.Spatial create from Spatial*DataFrame
grisFromRasterGeom create from geom format
grisFromFortify create from fortify format
as.gris.triangulation create from triangulation

II. Plotting

plot.gris plot a gris object as polypath, lines, points, or triangles
plot3d.gris plot a gris object in 3d

III. Manipulation

[.gris extract a subset of a gris object
pointInTriangle identify which triangle points fall in

IV. Conversion to other types

as.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.gris coerce to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, SpatialLinesDataFrame, SpatialPointsDataFrame, SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame
triangulate.gris add triangle primitives to a gris object

V. Miscellaneous

brick2col create hex value colours from an RGB RasterBrick

Gris topology

Topology defines the way that space is filled by 0D (points), 1D (lines), 2D (areas - or polygons) objects. (Higher dimensional topologies are possible but not explored yet.)

Geometry defines an actual instantiation of an object in a given coordinate system.

Examples of the difference are

Topology dimension may be 0D, 1D, 2D, or higher and geometry dimension is not necessarily coupled to this, or restricted to 2D.

Note that certain degeneracies are possible and may be important. A time series of point estimates in space may not have any sensible geometric values at all, but the topological description provided by that time series is a real structure.

r-gris/gris documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:57 a.m.