Basic data types in R can be written to and read from basic binary forms. The user-level worker functions are readBin and writeBin, users of other languages may be familiar with C and Matlab's fread, fwrite, Fortran's read, write, C++'s fstream support, and similar facilites in most languages.

Basic raw data in R

Create a trivial raw binary file of 5 numeric values, each 64-bit (8 byte) floating point (a.k.a. "double").

## generate random normally distributed values
(d <- rnorm(5))

## write to raw file
mytempfile <- "wtf.bin"
writeBin(d, con  = mytempfile, size = 8)

## interrogate resulting file (should be 5 * 8 bytes)

Read the entire file and interpret as 5 "double" values, each of size 8 bytes and check that our round-trip was faithful.

rt <- readBin(mytempfile, "numeric", size = 8, n = 5)


(This is extremely simplistic and we are ignoring many complications).

R also has a "raw" atomic vector type, which is handy for the next example.

readBin(mytempfile, what = "raw", n = 5)

Transfer array of data via raw binary file

A slightly more complex example shows a fairly common pathway for sharing data between programs. Here we take the volcano matrix, which is a 87x61 array of pixels of elevation values, hand generated by Ross Ihaka sometime around the time R was born.

## load the built-in volcano data set
## report the data's shape and data range

## visualize the volcano!

Write the values in the volcano data set straight out to a raw file, we need to flatten to a non-dimensional "vector" first, and this time 1 byte is sufficient to store all the information in these integer values.

writeBin(as.integer(volcano), "volcano.bin", size = 1)

## switch to foreign program . . .
## 8-bit unsigned integer
## 87 x 61

A more complicated example

We use these basic building blocks and leverage R's vectorization and indexing tricks for a much more complicated file type.

The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data data between data users.

LAS specification:

Alt text

Alt text

Long story short

We're cheating to make this quick, but a longer program reads the header of a LAS file, determines some sanity tests, and finds these header and metadata values from the header itself:

lasfile <- "5275251.las"
headersize <- 139 
numberPointRecords <- 1210761
offsetToPointData <- 229
pointDataRecordLength <- 28
scale <- function(x) x * 0.01 + 0

Those metadata tell us where to start reading point records in the file and how they are aranged.

## open the file
con <- file(lasfile, open = "rb")

## read out the stuff we are not interested in  and discard it
junk <- readBin(con, "raw", size = 1, n = offsetToPointData)

## slurp in all bytes of all point records
allbytes <- readBin(con, "raw", n = pointDataRecordLength * numberPointRecords, size = 1, endian = "little")
## convert to matrix
allbytes <- matrix(allbytes,  ncol = pointDataRecordLength, nrow = numberPointRecords, byrow = TRUE)


Now we have the entire file contents in memory, read in very fast in one big binary gulp.

  mm <- matrix(readBin(t(allbytes[, 1:(3 * 4)]), "integer",
                       size = 4, n = 3 * numberPointRecords, endian = "little"),
               ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

  intensity <- readBin(t(allbytes[, 13:14]), "integer", size = 2,
                       n = numberPointRecords, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
  mm<- cbind(scale(mm), intensity)                                                           
  colnames(mm) <- c("x", "y", "z", "intensity")

Load up rgl and plot

mm[mm[,3] > 100,3] <- 0
asub <- mm[,2] > 5251600
mm1 <- mm[asub,  ]
scl <- function(x) (x - min(x))/diff(range(x))
plot3d(mm1, col = rainbow(256)[scl(mm1[,1]) * 255 + 1])

r-gris/rlas documentation built on May 26, 2019, 1:33 p.m.