  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


In sp_df we can store the Spatial* (without the DataFrame) geometry in a special column.

geocol <- sp_df(wrld_simpl)
geocol %>% dplyr::select(NAME, Spatial_)

Note that this approach can be easily applied with WKT or WKB, it's just a fair bit of extra work to do the type conversion when needed. Note that, R has a raw type that seamlessly handles WKB from many DBs, and the wkb package can read it, likewise with rgeos::readWKT and rgeos::writeWKT. (See this in action in manifoldr.)

Questions on sp_df

Can we use mutate with the as coercion?

spdf <- sp_df(wrld_simpl)
## this doesn't work
#spdf %>% mutate(Spatial_ = as(Spatial_, "SpatialLines"))
spdf$Spatial_ <- as(spdf$Spatial_, "SpatialLines")

How to apply this, as an extra class? Note that geom_polygon in gggeom does not survive filter since the class attribute is lost.

r-gris/sp.df documentation built on May 26, 2019, 1:34 p.m.