Man pages for r-gtfs/trread
Read, Validate, and Analyze Files in the General Transit Feed Specification

clear_api_keyClear the API key.
count_service_tripsSummarise the number of trips per service
download_from_urlDownload a zipped GTFS feed file from a url
feedlist_dfDataframe of source GTFS data from Transitfeeds
filter_feedlistFilter a feedlist to include only valid urls (ending in .zip...
filter_stopsGet a set of stops for a given set of service ids and route...
filter_stop_times_by_hourFilter stop times by hour of the day
get_api_keyGet API key
get_date_service_tableReturns all possible date/service_id combinations as a data...
get_feedDownload a zipped GTFS feed file from a url
get_feedlistGet list of all available feeds from transitfeeds API
get_route_frequencyGet Route Frequency
get_stop_frequencyGet Stop Frequency
gt_as_dtGet a dataframe with lubridate dates for the gtfs...
gtfs_objExample GTFS data
has_api_keyMake sure API key string is not empty
import_gtfsThis function is deprecated. Please use read_gtfs
most_frequent_serviceGet the most frequent service for a set of trips.
read_gtfsGet and validate dataframes of General Transit Feed...
route_type_names_dfDataframe of route type id's and the names of the types (e.g....
service_by_dowFilter a gtfs calendar dataframe to service ids for specific...
set_api_keySet API key for recall
set_hms_timesAdd hms::hms columns to feed
shape_for_routeGet a set of shapes for a route
shape_route_serviceJoin the shapes, trips and routes tables together - also...
shapes_for_routesGet a set of shapes for a set of routes
unzip_fileUnzip a file and delete zip
r-gtfs/trread documentation built on Aug. 30, 2021, 12:32 p.m.