Man pages for r-lib/boxes
Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces

ansi_alignAlign an ANSI colored string
ansi_collapseCollapse a vector into a string scalar
ansi_columnsFormat a character vector in multiple columns
ansi_grepLike 'base::grep()' and 'base::grepl()', but for ANSI strings
ansi_has_anyCheck if a string has some ANSI styling
ansi_hide_cursorHide/show cursor in a terminal
ansi_htmlConvert ANSI styled text to HTML
ansi_html_styleCSS styles for the output of 'ansi_html()'
ansi_ncharCount number of characters in an ANSI colored string
ansi_nzcharLike 'base::nzchar()', but for ANSI strings
ansi_palettesANSI colors palettes
ansi_regexPerl compatible regular expression that matches ANSI escape...
ansi_simplifySimplify ANSI styling tags
ansi_stringLabels a character vector as containing ANSI control codes.
ansi_stripRemove ANSI escape sequences from a string
ansi_strsplitSplit an ANSI colored string
ansi_strtrimTruncate an ANSI string
ansi_strwrapWrap an ANSI styled string to a certain width
ansi-stylesANSI colored text
ansi_substrSubstring(s) of an ANSI colored string
ansi_substringSubstring(s) of an ANSI colored string
ansi_toupperANSI character translation and case folding
ansi_trimwsRemove leading and/or trailing whitespace from an ANSI string
boxxDraw a banner-like box in the console
builtin_themeThe built-in CLI theme
cat_line'cat()' helpers
cliCompose multiple cli functions
cli_abortSignal an error, warning or message with a cli formatted...
cli_alertCLI alerts
cli_blockquoteCLI block quote
cli_bulletsList of items
cli_bullets_rawList of verbatim items
cli_codeA block of code
cli-configcli environment variables and options
cli_debug_docDebug cli internals
cli_divGeneric CLI container
cli_dlDefinition list
cli_endClose a CLI container
cli_fmtCapture the output of cli functions instead of printing it
cli_formatFormat a value for printing
cli_format_methodCreate a format method for an object using cli tools
cli_h1CLI headings
cli_liCLI list item(s)
cli_list_themesList the currently active themes
cli_olOrdered CLI list
cli_output_connectionThe connection option that cli would use
cli-packagecli: Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces
cli_parCLI paragraph
cli_process_startIndicate the start and termination of some computation in the...
cli_progress_alongAdd a progress bar to a mapping function or for loop
cli_progress_barcli progress bars
cli_progress_builtin_handlerscli progress handlers
cli_progress_democli progress bar demo
cli_progress_messageSimplified cli progress messages
cli_progress_outputAdd text output to a progress bar
cli_progress_stepSimplified cli progress messages, with styling
cli_progress_stylesList of built-in cli progress styles
cli_ruleCLI horizontal rule
cli_sitrepcli situation report
cli_statusUpdate the status bar (superseded)
cli_status_clearClear the status bar (superseded)
cli_status_updateUpdate the status bar (superseded)
cli_textCLI text
cli_ulUnordered CLI list
cli_vecAdd custom cli style to a vector
cli_verbatimCLI verbatim text
code_highlightSyntax highlight R code
code_theme_listSyntax highlighting themes
combine_ansi_stylesCombine two or more ANSI styles
console_widthDetermine the width of the console
containersAbout cli containers
demo_spinnersShow a demo of some (by default all) spinners
diff_chrCompare two character vectors elementwise
diff_strCompare two character strings, character by character
faqFrequently Asked Questions
format_errorFormat an error, warning or diagnostic message
format_inlineFormat and returns a line of text
get_spinnerCharacter vector to put a spinner on the screen
hash_animalAdjective-animal hash
hash_emojiEmoji hash
hash_md5MD5 hash
hash_sha1SHA-1 hash
hash_sha256SHA-256 hash
has_keypress_supportCheck if the current platform/terminal supports reading...
inline-markupAbout inline markup in the semantic cli
is_ansi_ttyDetect if a stream support ANSI escape characters
is_dynamic_ttyDetect whether a stream supports \\r (Carriage return)
is_utf8_outputWhether cli is emitting UTF-8 characters
keypressRead a single keypress at the terminal
linkscli hyperlinks
list_spinnersList all available spinners
make_ansi_styleCreate a new ANSI style
make_spinnerCreate a spinner
match_selectorMatch a selector to a container stack
match_selector_nodeMatch a selector node to a container
num_ansi_colorsDetect the number of ANSI colors to use
parse_selectorParse a CSS3-like selector
pluralizationAbout cli pluralization
pluralization-helpersPluralization helper functions
pluralizeString templating with pluralization
pretty_print_codeTurn on pretty-printing functions at the R console
progress-cThe cli progress C API
progress-utilsProgress bar utility functions.
progress-variablesProgress bar variables
ruleMake a rule with one or two text labels
rulerPrint the helpful ruler to the screen
simple_themeA simple CLI theme
spark_barDraw a sparkline bar graph with unicode block characters
spark_lineDraw a sparkline line graph with Braille characters.
start_appStart, stop, query the default cli application
style_hyperlinkTerminal Hyperlinks
symbolVarious handy symbols to use in a command line UI
test_that_cliTest cli output with testthat
themesAbout cli themes
treeDraw a tree
unicode-width-workaroundWorking around the bad Unicode character widths
utf8_graphemesBreak an UTF-8 character vector into grapheme clusters
utf8_ncharCount the number of characters in a character vector
utf8_substrSubstring of an UTF-8 string
vt_outputSimulate (a subset of) a VT-5xx ANSI terminal
r-lib/boxes documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 2:25 p.m.