
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public API
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Query and set git credentials
#' This manual page is for _users_ of packages that depend on gitcreds
#' for managing tokens or passwords to GitHub or other git repositories.
#' If you are a package author and want to import gitcreds for this
#' functionality, see `vignette("package", package = "gitcreds")`.
#' Otherwise please start at 'Basics' below.
#' # Basics
#' `gitcreds_get()` queries git credentials. It is typically used by package
#' code that needs to authenticate to GitHub or another git repository.
#' The end user might call `gitcreds_get()` directly to check that the
#' credentials are properly set up.
#' `gitcreds_set()` adds or updates git credentials in the credential store.
#' It is typically called by the user, and it only works in interactive
#' sessions. It always asks for acknowledgement before it overwrites
#' existing credentials.
#' `gitcreds_delete()` deletes git credentials from the credential store.
#' It is typically called by the user, and it only works in interactive
#' sessions. It always asks for acknowledgement.
#' `gitcreds_list_helpers()` lists the active credential helpers.
#' ## git versions
#' These functions use the `git credential` system command to query and set
#' git credentials. They need an external git installation. You can
#' download git from https://git-scm.com/downloads. A recent version is
#' best, but at least git 2.9 is suggested.
#' gitcreds should work out of the box on macOS with git versions 2.9.2
#' or later, and on Windows with git versions 2.12.1 or later, using the
#' default git settings. On Windows, for git versions from 2.9.2 up until
#' 2.12.1 you probably need to set the default credential helper to
#' `wincred`. It is usually simpler to update git to a recent version.
#' To see your current git version run `git --version` from your shell.
#' Or from R:
#' ```r
#' system("git --version")
#' ```
#' If you need to avoid installing git, see 'Environment variables' below.
#' ## GitHub
#' ### New setup
#' To set up password-less authentication to GitHub:
#' 1. Create a personal access token (PAT). See
#'    https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token.
#' 2. Call `gitcreds_set()` and give this token as the password.
#' 3. Run `gitcreds_get(use_cache = FALSE)` to check that the new
#'    PAT is set up. To see the token, you can run
#'    `gitcreds_get(use_cache = FALSE)$password`.
#' ### Migrating from the `GITHUB_PAT` environment variable
#' If you already have a GitHub token, and use the `GITHUB_PAT` or
#' `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable in your `.Renviron` file or
#' elsewhere, no changes are neccessary. gitcreds will automatically use
#' this variable.
#' However, we still suggest that you add your token to the git credential
#' store with `gitcreds_set()` and remove `GITHUB_PAT` from your
#' `.Renviron` file. The credential store is more secure than storing
#' tokens in files, and command line git also uses the credential store
#' for password-less authentication.
#' # Advanced topics
#' ## Cached credentials
#' Because querying the git credential store might not be very fast,
#' `gitcreds_get()` caches credentials in environment variables by default.
#' Credentials for different URLs are stored in different environment
#' variables. The name of the environment variable is calculated with
#' [gitcreds_cache_envvar()].
#' To remove the cache, remove this environment variable with
#' [Sys.unsetenv()].
#' ## Environment variables
#' If you want to avoid installing git, or using the credential store for
#' some reason, you can supply credentials in environment variables, e.g.
#' via the `.Renviron` file. Use [gitcreds_cache_envvar()] to query the
#' environment variable you need to set for a URL:
#' 1. You can set this environment variable to the token or password itself.
#' 2. If you also need a user name, then use the `user:password` form, i.e.
#'    separate them with a colon. (If your user name or passwrd has `:`
#'    characters, then you need to escape them with a preceding backslash.)
#' ## Proxies
#' git should pick up the proxy configuration from the `http_proxy`,
#' `https_proxy`, and `all_proxy` environment variables. To override
#' these, you can set the `http.proxy` git configuration key.
#' More info here: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#Documentation/git-config.txt-httpproxy
#' and here: https://github.com/microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-Core/blob/master/docs/netconfig.md
#' ## Credential helpers
#' git credential helpers are an extensible, configurable mechanism to
#' store credentials. Different git installations have different credentials
#' helpers. On Windows the default helper stores credentials in the system
#' credential store. On macOS, it stores them in the macOS Keychain.
#' Other helpers cache credentials in a server process or in a file on the
#' file system.
#' gitcreds only works if a credential helper is configured. For the current
#' git version (2.29.0), this is the case by default on Windows and macOS
#' (for git from HomeBrew), but most Linux distributions do not set up a
#' default credential helper.
#' You can use `gitcreds_list_helpers()` to see the _active_ credential
#' helper(s) for a repository. Make sure you set the working directory
#' to the git tree before calling `gitcreds_list_helpers()`.
#' ## The current working directory
#' git allows repository specific configuration, via the `.git/config` file.
#' The `config` file might specify a different credential helper, a
#' different user name, etc. This means that `gitcreds_get()` etc. will
#' potentially work differently depending on the current working
#' directory. This is especially relevant for package code that changes
#' the working directory temporarily.
#' ## Non-GitHub accounts
#' Non-GitHub URLs work mostly the same way as GitHub URLs.
#' `gitcreds_get()` and `gitcreds_set()` default to GitHub, so you'll need
#' to explicitly set their `url` argument.
#' Some credential helpers, e.g. Git Credential Manager for Windows
#' (`manager`) and Git Credential Manager Core (`manager-core`) work
#' slightly differently for GitHub and non-GitHub URLs, see their
#' documentation for details.
#' ## Multiple accounts
#' The various credential helpers support having multiple accounts on the
#' same server in different ways. Here are our recommendations.
#' ### macOS
#' 1. Use the (currently default) `osxkeychain` credential helper.
#' 2. In Keychain Access, remove all your current credentials for the
#'    host(s) you are targeting. E.g. for GitHub, search for github.com
#'    Internet Passwords.
#' 3. Then add the credential that you want to use for "generic access".
#'    This is the credential that will be used for URLs without user
#'    names. The user name for this credential does not matter, but you
#'    can choose something descriptive, e.g. "token", or "generic".
#' 4. Configure git to use this username by default. E.g. if you chose
#'    "generic", then run
#'        git config --global credential.username generic
#' 5. Add all the other credentials, with appropriate user names. These
#'    are the user names that you need to put in the URLs for the
#'    repositories or operations you want to use them for. (GitHub does
#'    not actually use the user names if the password is a PAT, but they
#'    are used to look up the correct token in the credential store.)
#' ### Windows with git 2.29.0 or later
#' 1. We suggest that you update to the latest git version, but at
#'    least 2.29.0, and use the `manager-core` helper which is now default.
#'    If you installed `manager-core` separately from git, we suggest that
#'    you remove it, because it might cause confusion as to which helper is
#'    actually used.
#' 2. Remove all current credentials first, for the host you are targeting.
#'    You can do this in 'Credential Manager' or `gitcreds::gitcreds_list()`
#'    to find them and 'Credential Manager' or the oskeyring package to
#'    remove them. You can also use the oskeyring package to back up the
#'    tokens and passwords.
#' 3. Then add the credential that you want to use for "generic access".
#'    This is the credential that will be used for URLs without user names.
#'    The user name for this credential does not matter, but you can choose
#'    something descriptive, e.g. "PersonalAccessToken", "token", or
#'    "generic".
#' 4. Configure git to use this username by default. E.g. if you chose
#'    "generic", then run
#'        git config --global credential.username generic
#' 5. Add all the other credentials, with appropriate user names.
#'    These are the user names that you need to put in the URLs for the
#'    repositories or operations you want to use them for. (GitHub does
#'    not actually use the user names if the password is a PAT, but they
#'    are used to look up the correct token from the credential store.)
#' ### Windows with older git versions, 2.28.0 and before
#' #### A single GitHub account
#' If you only need to manage a single github.com credential, together with
#' possibly multiple credentials to other hosts (including GitHub
#' Enterprise hosts), then you can use the default `manager` helper, and
#' get away with the default auto-detected GCM authority setting.
#' In this case, you can add your github.com credential with an arbitrary
#' user name, and for each other host you can configure a default user
#' name, and/or include user names in the URLs to these hosts. This is how
#' to set a default user name for a host called `https://example.com`:
#' ```
#' git config --global credential.https://example.com.username myusername
#' ```
#' #### Multiple GitHub credentials
#' If you need to manage multiple github.com credentials, then you can
#' still use the `manager` helper, but you need to change the GCM authority
#' by setting an option or an environment variable, see
#' <https://github.com/microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows/blob/master/Docs/Configuration.md#authority.>
#' This is how to change GCM authority in the config:
#' ```
#' git config --global credential.authority Basic
#' ```
#' You can also change it only for github.com:
#' ```
#' git config --global credential.github.com.authority Basic
#' ```
#' Then you can configure a default user name, this will be used for URLs
#' without a user name:
#' ```
#' git config --global credential.username generic
#' ```
#' Now you can add you credentials, the default one with the "generic" user
#' name, and all the others with their specific user and host names.
#' Alternatively, you can install a newer version of Git Credential Manager
#' Core (GCM Core), at least version 2.0.252-beta, and use the
#' `manager-core` helper. You'll potentially need to delete the older
#' `manager-core` helper that came with git itself. With the newer version
#' of GCM Core, you can use the same method as for newer git versions, see
#' above.
#' ## Multiple credential helpers
#' It is possible to configure multiple credential helpers. If multiple
#' helpers are configured for a repository, then `gitcreds_get()` will
#' go over them until a credential is found. `gitcreds_set()` will try to
#' set the new credentials in _every_ configured credential helper.
#' You can use [gitcreds_list_helpers()] to list all configured helpers.
#' @param url URL to get, set or delete credentials for. It may contain a
#' user name, which is typically (but not always) used by the credential
#' helpers. It may also contain a path, which is typically (but not always)
#' ignored by the credential helpers.
#' @param use_cache Whether to try to use the environment variable cache
#' before turning to git to look up the credentials for `url`.
#' See [gitcreds_cache_envvar()].
#' @param set_cache Whether to set the environment variable cache after
#' receiving the credentials from git. See [gitcreds_cache_envvar()].
#' @return `gitcreds_get()` returns a `gitcreds` object, a named list
#' of strings, the fields returned by the git credential handler.
#' Typically the fields are `protocol`, `host`, `username`, `password`.
#' Some credential helpers support path-dependent credentials and also
#' return a `path` field.
#' `gitcreds_set()` returns nothing.
#' `gitcreds_delete()` returns `FALSE` if it did not find find any
#' credentials to delete, and thus it did not call `git credential reject`.
#' Otherwise it returns `TRUE`.
#' `gitcreds_get()` errors if git is not installed, no credential helpers
#' are configured or no credentials are found. `gitcreds_set()` errors if
#' git is not installed, or setting the new credentials fails.
#' `gitcreds_delete()` errors if git is not installed or the git calls fail.
#' See `vignette("package", package = "gitcreds")` if you want to handle
#' these errors.
#' @aliases gitcreds
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gitcreds_get()
#' gitcreds_get("https://github.com")
#' gitcreds_get("https://myuser@github.com/myorg/myrepo")
#' }

gitcreds_get <- NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname gitcreds_get

gitcreds_set <- NULL

#' @export
#' @rdname gitcreds_get

gitcreds_delete <- NULL

#' @return `gitcreds_list_helpers()` returns a character vector,
#' corresponding to the `credential.helper` git configuration key.
#' Usually it contains a single credential helper, but it is possible to
#' configure multiple helpers.
#' @rdname gitcreds_get
#' @export

gitcreds_list_helpers <- NULL

#' Environment variable to cache the password for a URL
#' `gitcreds_get()` caches credentials in environment variables.
#' `gitcreds_cache_envvar()` calculates the environment variaable name
#' that is used as the cache, for a URL.
#' @param url Character vector of URLs, they may contain user names
#'   and paths as well. See details below.
#' @return Character vector of environment variables.
#' @seealso [gitcreds_get()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gitcreds_cache_envvar("https://github.com")
#' gitcreds_cache_envvar("https://api.github.com/path/to/endpoint")
#' gitcreds_cache_envvar("https://jane@github.com")
#' gitcreds_cache_envvar("https://another.site.github.com")

gitcreds_cache_envvar <- NULL

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Raw git credential API
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Access the low level credential API
#' These function are primarily for package authors, who want more
#' control over the user interface, so they want to avoid calling
#' [gitcreds_get()] and [gitcreds_set()] directly.
#' `gitcreds_fill()` calls `git credential fill` to query git
#' credentials.
#' @param input Named list to pass to `git credential fill`.
#' @param args Extra args, used _before_ `fill`, to allow
#' `git -c ... fill`.
#' @param dummy Whether to append a dummy credential helper to the
#' list of credential helpers.
#' @return The standard output of the `git` command, line by line.
#' @seealso [gitcreds_parse_output()] to parse the output of
#' `gitcreds_fill()`.
#' @rdname gitcreds-api
#' @export

gitcreds_fill <- NULL

#' @details `gitcreds_approve()` calls `git credential approve`
#' to add new credentials.
#' @param creds `gitcreds` object (named list) to add or remove.
#' @rdname gitcreds-api
#' @export

gitcreds_approve <- NULL

#' `gitcreds_reject()` calls `git credential reject` to remove
#' credentials.
#' @rdname gitcreds-api
#' @export

gitcreds_reject <- NULL

#' Parse standard output from `git credential fill`
#' @details
#' For dummy credentials (i.e. the lack of credentials), it throws an
#' error of class `gitcreds_no_credentials`.
#' @param txt Character vector, standard output lines from
#' `git credential fill`.
#' @param url URL we queried, to be able to create a better error message.
#' @return `gitcreds` object.
#' @export

gitcreds_parse_output <- NULL
r-lib/gitcreds documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:43 p.m.