gmailr (development version)

gmailr 2.0.0

Changes around the OAuth client

Since the lack of an OAuth client undoubtedly remains the most common reason for gm_auth() to fail, its error message includes some specific content if no OAuth client has been configured.

Storing and deploying a token

Syncing up with gargle

Versions 1.3.0, 1.4.0, and 1.5.1 of gargle introduced some changes around OAuth and gmailr is syncing up that:

Other changes

The unexported helper gmailr:::gm_convert_file(list.files(pattern = "[.]R$", recursive = TRUE)) can be used to convert all R files in the current directory to the new names (#95).

Since most users (those using R >= 4.1) now have access to the base pipe (|>), that is now what is shown in gmailr's documentation. Those using R < 4.1 can still use gmailr with magrittr::%>%, but they will need to do library(magrittr) for themselves.

Any gmailr examples that use the base pipe will no longer work on R < 4.1. On affected R versions, the examples are automatically converted to a regular section with a note that they might not work.

gmailr 1.0.1

gmailr 1.0.0

Breaking changes

New features

Minor improvements and fixes

gmailr 0.7.1

gmailr 0.5.0

Major Changes

Minor Fixes

gmailr 0.0.1

r-lib/gmailr documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:22 a.m.