  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"

httr2 httr2 website

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httr2 (pronounced "hitter2") is a comprehensive HTTP client that provides a modern, pipeable API for working with web APIs. It builds on top of {curl} to provide features like explicit request objects, built-in rate limiting & retry tooling, comprehensive OAuth support, and secure handling of secrets and credentials.


You can install httr2 from CRAN with:



To use httr2, start by creating a request:


req <- request("")

You can tailor this request with the req_ family of functions:

# Add custom headers
req |> req_headers("Accept" = "application/json")

# Add a body, turning it into a POST
req |> req_body_json(list(x = 1, y = 2))

# Modify the path in the url
req |> req_url_path(path = "path/to/my/file")

# Automatically retry if the request fails
req |> req_retry(max_tries = 5)

# Change the HTTP method
req |> req_method("PATCH")

And see exactly what httr2 will send to the server with req_dry_run():

req |> req_dry_run()

Use req_perform() to perform the request, retrieving a response:

resp <- req_perform(req)

The resp_ functions help you extract various useful components of the response:

resp |> resp_content_type()
resp |> resp_status_desc()
resp |> resp_body_html()

Major differences to httr


httr2 wouldn't be possible without curl, openssl, jsonlite, and jose, which are all maintained by Jeroen Ooms. A big thanks also go to Jenny Bryan and Craig Citro who have given me much useful feedback on both the design of the internals and the user facing API.

r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 10:21 a.m.