Man pages for r-lib/httr2
Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses

curl_translateTranslate curl syntax to httr2
example_urlCode for examples
httr2-packagehttr2: Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
is_onlineIs your computer currently online?
iterate_with_offsetIteration helpers
jwt_claimCreate and encode a JWT
last_responseRetrieve most recent request/response
multi_req_performPerform a list of requests in parallel
oauth_cache_clearClear OAuth cache
oauth_cache_pathhttr2 OAuth cache location
oauth_clientCreate an OAuth client
oauth_client_req_authOAuth client authentication
oauth_flow_auth_code_urlOAuth authorization code components
oauth_redirect_uriDefault redirect url for OAuth
oauth_tokenCreate an OAuth token
oauth_token_cachedRetrieve an OAuth token using the cache
obfuscateObfuscate mildly secret information
pipePipe operator
progress_barsProgress bars in httr2
req_auth_aws_v4Sign a request with the AWS SigV4 signing protocol
req_auth_basicAuthenticate request with HTTP basic authentication
req_auth_bearer_tokenAuthenticate request with bearer token
req_bodySend data in request body
req_cacheAutomatically cache requests
req_cookie_preserveSet and preserve cookies
req_dry_runPerform a dry run
req_errorControl handling of HTTP errors
req_headersModify request headers
req_methodSet HTTP method in request
req_oauthOAuth authentication
req_oauth_auth_codeOAuth with authorization code
req_oauth_bearer_jwtOAuth with a bearer JWT (JSON web token)
req_oauth_client_credentialsOAuth with client credentials
req_oauth_deviceOAuth with device flow
req_oauth_passwordOAuth with username and password
req_oauth_refreshOAuth with a refresh token
req_oauth_token_exchangeOAuth token exchange
req_optionsSet arbitrary curl options in request
req_performPerform a request to get a response
req_perform_connectionPerform a request and return a streaming connection
req_perform_iterativePerform requests iteratively, generating new requests from...
req_perform_parallelPerform a list of requests in parallel
req_perform_promisePerform request asynchronously using the promises package
req_perform_sequentialPerform multiple requests in sequence
req_perform_streamPerform a request and handle data as it streams back
req_progressAdd a progress bar to long downloads or uploads
req_proxyUse a proxy for a request
req_retryAutomatically retry a request on failure
req_templateSet request method/path from a template
req_throttleRate limit a request by automatically adding a delay
req_timeoutSet time limit for a request
requestCreate a new HTTP request
req_urlModify request URL
req_user_agentSet user-agent for a request
req_verboseShow extra output when request is performed
resp_body_rawExtract body from response
resp_check_content_typeCheck the content type of a response
resp_content_typeExtract response content type and encoding
resp_dateExtract request date from response
resp_headersExtract headers from a response
resp_link_urlParse link URL from a response
responseCreate a new HTTP response
resp_rawShow the raw response
resp_requestFind the request responsible for a response
resp_retry_afterExtract wait time from a response
resps_successesTools for working with lists of responses
resp_statusExtract HTTP status from response
resp_stream_rawRead a streaming body a chunk at a time
resp_urlGet URL/components from the response
secretsSecret management
signal_total_pagesSignal total number pages
throttle_statusDisplay internal throttle status
url_buildBuild a string from a URL object
url_modifyModify a URL
url_parseParse a URL into its component pieces
url_query_parseParse query parameters and/or build a string
with_mocked_responsesTemporarily mock requests
with_verbosityTemporarily set verbosity for all requests
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 10:21 a.m.