
Defines functions req_headers

Documented in req_headers

#' Modify request headers
#' `req_headers()` allows you to set the value of any header.
#' @param .req A [request].
#' @param ... <[`dynamic-dots`][rlang::dyn-dots]> Name-value pairs of headers
#'   and their values.
#'   * Use `NULL` to reset a value to httr2's default
#'   * Use `""` to remove a header
#'   * Use a character vector to repeat a header.
#' @param .redact Headers to redact. If `NULL`, the default, the added headers
#'   are not redacted.
#' @returns A modified HTTP [request].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' req <- request("http://example.com")
#' # Use req_headers() to add arbitrary additional headers to the request
#' req |>
#'   req_headers(MyHeader = "MyValue") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # Repeated use overrides the previous value:
#' req |>
#'   req_headers(MyHeader = "Old value") |>
#'   req_headers(MyHeader = "New value") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # Setting Accept to NULL uses curl's default:
#' req |>
#'   req_headers(Accept = NULL) |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # Setting it to "" removes it:
#' req |>
#'   req_headers(Accept = "") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # If you need to repeat a header, provide a vector of values
#' # (this is rarely needed, but is important in a handful of cases)
#' req |>
#'   req_headers(HeaderName = c("Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3")) |>
#'   req_dry_run()
#' # If you have headers in a list, use !!!
#' headers <- list(HeaderOne = "one", HeaderTwo = "two")
#' req |>
#'    req_headers(!!!headers, HeaderThree = "three") |>
#'    req_dry_run()
#' # Use `.redact` to hide a header in the output
#' req |>
#'   req_headers(Secret = "this-is-private", Public = "but-this-is-not", .redact = "Secret") |>
#'   req_dry_run()
req_headers <- function(.req, ..., .redact = NULL) {

  headers <- list2(...)
  header_names <- names2(headers)
  check_character(.redact, allow_null = TRUE)

  redact_out <- attr(.req$headers, "redact") %||% .redact %||% character()
  redact_out <- union(redact_out, .redact)
  .req$headers <- modify_list(.req$headers, !!!headers)

  attr(.req$headers, "redact") <- redact_out

r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 4:41 a.m.