packages: Helper functions for working with development packages.

packagesR Documentation

Helper functions for working with development packages.


All functions search recursively up the directory tree from the input path until they find a DESCRIPTION file.


pkg_path(path = ".")

pkg_name(path = ".")

pkg_desc(path = ".")

pkg_version(path = ".")

pkg_version_raw(path = ".")

pkg_ns(path = ".")



Path to a package, or within a package.


  • pkg_path(): Return the normalized package path.

  • pkg_name(): Return the package name.

  • pkg_desc(): Return the package DESCRIPTION as a desc::desc() object.

  • pkg_version(): Return the parsed package version.

  • pkg_version_raw(): Return the raw package version (as a string).

  • pkg_ns(): Return the package namespace.

r-lib/pkgload documentation built on Feb. 10, 2025, 8:16 p.m.