Man pages for r-lib/revdepcheck
Automated Reverse Dependency Checking

cloud_brokenRetrieve the names broken or failed packages
cloud_browseBrowse to the AWS url for the job
cloud_cancelCancel a running cloud run
cloud_checkSubmit a reverse dependency checking job to the cloud
cloud_detailsDisplay detailed revdep results from a cloud run
cloud_emailNotify revdep maintainers about problems
cloud_fetch_resultsFetch results from the cloud
cloud_jobReturn the current cloud job
cloud_job_mappingGet a tibble of batch sub-job ids for all checked packages
cloud_plotPlot the running time per package of a cloud job
cloud_reportMarkdown report of reverse dependency check results from the...
cloud_resultsRetrieve cloud results
cloud_statusMonitor the status of a cloud job
cloud_summaryDisplay revdep results
cran_revdepsRetrieve the reverse dependencies for a package
db_setupMake sure that the database exists
dir_findSet up/retrieve the directory structure for the checks
revdep_addManage the package checking to-do list.
revdep_checkRun revdep checks
revdep_detailsDisplay revdep results
revdep_emailNotify revdep maintainers about problems
revdep_env_varsEnvironment variables to set for install and check processes...
revdep_maintainersList maintainers of all reverse dependencies
revdep_report_summaryMarkdown report of reverse dependency check results
run_event_loopThis is the event loop of the revdep check process
schedule_next_taskDecide what to do next, from the current state
r-lib/revdepcheck documentation built on May 13, 2024, 4:03 p.m.