revdep_check: Run revdep checks

View source: R/revdepcheck.R

revdep_checkR Documentation

Run revdep checks


revdep_check() runs ⁠R CMD check⁠ on all reverse dependencies of your package. To avoid false positives, it runs ⁠R CMD check⁠ twice: once for released version on CRAN and once for the local development version. It then reports the differences so you can see what checks were previously ok but now fail.

It requires to use a repos option that provides the source code of the packages not binaries.

Once your package has been successfully submitted to CRAN, you should run revdep_reset(). This deletes all files used for checking, freeing up disk space and leaving you in a clean state for the next release.


  pkg = ".",
  dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "LinkingTo"),
  quiet = TRUE,
  timeout = as.difftime(10, units = "mins"),
  num_workers = 1,
  bioc = TRUE,
  cran = TRUE,
  env = revdep_env_vars()

revdep_reset(pkg = ".")



Path to package.


Which types of revdeps should be checked. For CRAN release, we recommend using the default.


Suppress output from internal processes?


Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for ⁠R CMD check⁠ to complete. Default is 10 minutes.


Number of parallel workers to use


Also check revdeps that live in Bioconductor?


Should cran mirror be attached to getOpion("repos") if it is not already present.


Environment variables to set for the install and check processes. See revdep_env_vars().


revdep_check() proceeds in four steps:

  1. Init: create the ⁠revdep/⁠ subdirectory if it doesn't already exist, and save the list of reverse dependencies to check.

  2. Install: install the CRAN (released) and local (development) versions of your package, including all dependencies.

  3. Run: run ⁠R CMD check⁠ twice for each reverse dependency, once for the CRAN version and one for the local version. The checks are run in parallel using num_worker processes.

  4. Report: generate reports showing differences between the check results for the CRAN and local versions of your package. The focus of the report is on new failures. The reports are saved in ⁠revdep/⁠.

revdep_check() is designed to seamlessly resume in the case of failure: just re-run revdep_check() and it will start from where it left off. If you want to start again from scratch, run revdep_reset().

See Also

To see more details of problems during a run, call revdep_summary() and revdep_details() in another process.

r-lib/revdepcheck documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 11:54 p.m.