#' Run revdep checks
#' @description
#' `revdep_check()` runs `R CMD check` on all reverse dependencies of your
#' package. To avoid false positives, it runs `R CMD check` twice: once for
#' released version on CRAN and once for the local development version. It
#' then reports the differences so you can see what checks were previously
#' ok but now fail.
#' It requires to use a repos option that provides the source code of the packages not binaries.
#' Once your package has been successfully submitted to CRAN, you should
#' run `revdep_reset()`. This deletes all files used for checking, freeing
#' up disk space and leaving you in a clean state for the next release.
#' @details
#' `revdep_check()` proceeds in four steps:
#' 1. **Init**: create the `revdep/` subdirectory if it doesn't already exist,
#' and save the list of reverse dependencies to check.
#' 1. **Install**: install the CRAN (released) and local (development)
#' versions of your package, including all dependencies.
#' 1. **Run**: run `R CMD check` twice for each reverse dependency, once
#' for the CRAN version and one for the local version. The checks are
#' run in parallel using `num_worker` processes.
#' 1. **Report**: generate reports showing differences between the check
#' results for the CRAN and local versions of your package. The focus of
#' the report is on new failures. The reports are saved in `revdep/`.
#' `revdep_check()` is designed to seamlessly resume in the case of failure:
#' just re-run `revdep_check()` and it will start from where it left off.
#' If you want to start again from scratch, run `revdep_reset()`.
#' @param pkg Path to package.
#' @param dependencies Which types of revdeps should be checked. For CRAN
#' release, we recommend using the default.
#' @param quiet Suppress output from internal processes?
#' @param timeout Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for `R CMD check` to
#' complete. Default is 10 minutes.
#' @param num_workers Number of parallel workers to use
#' @param bioc Also check revdeps that live in Bioconductor?
#' @param cran Should cran mirror be attached to getOpion("repos") if it
#' is not already present.
#' @param env Environment variables to set for the install and check
#' processes. See [revdep_env_vars()].
#' @seealso To see more details of problems during a run, call
#' [revdep_summary()] and [revdep_details()] in another process.
#' @export
#' @importFrom remotes install_local
#' @importFrom withr with_libpaths with_envvar
#' @importFrom crancache install_packages
revdep_check <- function(pkg = ".",
dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports",
"Suggests", "LinkingTo"),
quiet = TRUE,
timeout = as.difftime(10, units = "mins"),
num_workers = 1,
bioc = TRUE,
cran = TRUE,
env = revdep_env_vars()) {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
if (!db_exists(pkg)) {
did_something <- FALSE
repeat {
stage <- db_metadata_get(pkg, "todo") %|0|% "init"
init = revdep_init(pkg, dependencies = dependencies,
bioc = bioc, cran = cran),
install = revdep_install(pkg, quiet = quiet, env = env,
bioc = bioc, cran = cran),
run = revdep_run(pkg, quiet = quiet, timeout = timeout,
num_workers = num_workers, env = env,
bioc = bioc, cran = cran),
report = revdep_final_report(pkg, bioc = bioc, cran = cran),
done = break
did_something <- TRUE
if (!did_something) {
"* See results of previous run in 'revdep/README.md'\n",
"* Reset for another run with `revdepcheck::revdep_reset()`"
revdep_setup <- function(pkg = ".") {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
message("Creating directories and database")
revdep_init <- function(pkg = ".",
dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports",
"Suggests", "LinkingTo"),
bioc = TRUE, cran = TRUE) {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
pkgname <- pkg_name(pkg)
db_clean(pkg) # Delete all records
"!DEBUG getting reverse dependencies for `basename(pkg)`"
status("INIT", "Computing revdeps")
revdeps <- cran_revdeps(pkgname, dependencies, bioc = bioc, cran = cran)
db_todo_add(pkg, revdeps)
db_metadata_set(pkg, "todo", "install")
db_metadata_set(pkg, "bioc", as.character(bioc))
db_metadata_set(pkg, "dependencies", paste(dependencies, collapse = ";"))
revdep_install <- function(pkg = ".", quiet = FALSE, env = character(),
bioc = bioc, cran = TRUE) {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
pkgname <- pkg_name(pkg)
status("INSTALL", "2 versions")
dir_create(dir_find(pkg, "old"))
dir_create(dir_find(pkg, "new"))
## Install the package itself, both versions, first the CRAN version
## We instruct crancache to only use the cache of CRAN packages
## (to avoid installing locally installed newer versions.
"!DEBUG Installing CRAN (old) version"
message("Installing CRAN version of ", pkgname)
package_name <- pkg_name(pkg)[[1]]
# we don't want to fail on aarch64 because there are no binary bioc
# packages for that
fail_on_warn <- Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Darwin" || R.Version()$arch != "aarch64"
c(CRANCACHE_REPOS = "cran,bioc", CRANCACHE_QUIET = "yes", env),
dir_find(pkg, "old"),
warn = if (fail_on_warn) 2 else 1,
install_packages(pkgname, quiet = quiet, repos = get_repos(bioc = bioc, cran = cran), upgrade = "always")
## Now the new version
"!DEBUG Installing new version from `pkg`"
message("Installing DEV version of ", pkgname)
c(CRANCACHE_REPOS = "cran,bioc", CRANCACHE_QUIET = "yes", env),
dir_find(pkg, "new"),
warn = if (fail_on_warn) 2 else 1,
install_local(pkg, quiet = quiet, repos = get_repos(bioc = bioc, cran = cran), force = TRUE, upgrade = "always")
# Record libraries
lib <- library_compare(pkg)
utils::write.csv(lib, file.path(dir_find(pkg, "checks"), "libraries.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
db_metadata_set(pkg, "todo", "run")
#' @importFrom prettyunits vague_dt
revdep_run <- function(pkg = ".", quiet = TRUE,
timeout = as.difftime(10, units = "mins"),
num_workers = 1, bioc = TRUE, env = character(),
cran = TRUE) {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
pkgname <- pkg_name(pkg)
if (!inherits(timeout, "difftime")) {
timeout <- as.difftime(timeout, units = "secs")
todo <- db_todo(pkg)
status("CHECK", paste0(length(todo), " packages"))
start <- Sys.time()
state <- list(
options = list(
pkgdir = pkg,
pkgname = pkgname,
quiet = quiet,
timeout = timeout,
num_workers = num_workers,
env = env,
bioc = bioc,
cran = cran),
packages = data.frame(
package = todo,
state = if (length(todo)) "todo" else character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
end <- Sys.time()
status <- report_status(pkg)
cat_line(green("OK: "), status$ok)
cat_line(red("BROKEN: "), status$broken)
cat_line("Total time: ", vague_dt(end - start, format = "short"))
db_metadata_set(pkg, "todo", "report")
revdep_final_report <- function(pkg = ".", bioc = TRUE, cran = TRUE) {
db_metadata_set(pkg, "todo", "done")
revdep_report(pkg, bioc = bioc, cran = cran)
report_exists <- function(pkg) {
root <- dir_find(pkg, "root")
file.exists(file.path(root, "README.md")) && file.exists(file.path(root, "problems.md"))
#' @export
#' @rdname revdep_check
revdep_reset <- function(pkg = ".") {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
unlink(dir_find(pkg, "lib"), recursive = TRUE)
unlink(dir_find(pkg, "checks"), recursive = TRUE)
unlink(dir_find(pkg, "db"), recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom crayon bold
status <- function(title, info = "") {
cat_line(rule(left = bold(title), right = info))
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